Given that you are dealing with a proprietary environment, its anybody's
guess whether or not the code is worth while to run.  Most of the time,
there is a smarter way that could require refactoring the code base.

I will say this though, in Nuke 8 they added some dopesheet functionality
for time based nodes that requires some compute time.  If the code runs
nuke.suspendPathProcessing() its possible you could see a performance
On Aug 26, 2015 11:22 AM, "Elvis Au" <> wrote:

> Hey all -
> On particularly large nuke scripts, I'm seeing the scripts lock up for a
> few seconds before regaining interactivity in the gui.
> Digging into it, I found that we have a lot of python code (embedded in
> tcl eval code in knobs) which all seem to have to execute any time I make
> any update (add/remove a node, change a knob, attach/disconnect a noodle,
> etc)  And on larger scripts, because there's more of this code that has to
> be run through so the lag feels worse.  I can see the expressions fly past
> if I have the script editor open and when the it's done printing out, the
> script becomes responsive again.
> In a test, we removed the python expressions and everything is zippy
> again.  But this seems excessive that all this code is triggered all the
> time when any change is made, upstream or downstream. Is there a rhyme or
> reason to this? Has anyone seen this before? Any insights?
> Also I'm 8.0v6/linux.
> thanks!
> Elvis
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