I'd say it's largely because of the evaluation of the python via tcl code
in the knobs. As long as the functionality is retained, the code needs to
be migrated from being constantly executed within the knob to being a
module that loads the function once when Nuke starts up or when a node is
generated - eg/ callbacks such as knobChanged, onCreate and onScriptLoad.

I've been in this scenario before, and it is hellish trying to get any work
done! But some cleanup of the python environment should make things a lot
more zippy.


On 26 August 2015 at 11:31, Elvis Au <el...@blueskystudios.com> wrote:

> Hey all -
> On particularly large nuke scripts, I'm seeing the scripts lock up for a
> few seconds before regaining interactivity in the gui.
> Digging into it, I found that we have a lot of python code (embedded in
> tcl eval code in knobs) which all seem to have to execute any time I make
> any update (add/remove a node, change a knob, attach/disconnect a noodle,
> etc)  And on larger scripts, because there's more of this code that has to
> be run through so the lag feels worse.  I can see the expressions fly past
> if I have the script editor open and when the it's done printing out, the
> script becomes responsive again.
> In a test, we removed the python expressions and everything is zippy
> again.  But this seems excessive that all this code is triggered all the
> time when any change is made, upstream or downstream. Is there a rhyme or
> reason to this? Has anyone seen this before? Any insights?
> Also I'm 8.0v6/linux.
> thanks!
> Elvis
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