On 15/8/21 12:15 am, Charles R Harris wrote:

On Sat, Aug 14, 2021 at 2:35 PM Eric Wieser <wieser.eric+nu...@gmail.com <mailto:wieser.eric%2bnu...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    This might be worth creating a github issue for simply so we can
    tag someone working at LGTM; they've been helpful in the past, and
    it's possible we just need to fiddle with some configuration to
    make it work.

    It's also worth noting that LGTM runs against C code too; so even
    if we disable it for python, it might be worth keeping around for C.

It's the C code that causes problems, LGTM builds the code with `python3 setup.py` and setup.py has a check for the Python version. There is no method to disable the C checks from the Github app and no method to specify Python version beyond 2 or 3.

I'd be happy to tag someone at LGTM, but I don't know who that would be.


Personally, I would prefer we drop it. I do not recall an instance when we related to its results in a PR review in the last year, so for me it is just one more thing that breaks randomly. As it is our PR review and CI support bandwidth is limited, so I would prefer to optimize for that bottleneck.


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