Andrew Straw wrote:
> Christian K wrote:
>> David Cournapeau wrote:
>>> On Ubuntu and debian, you do NOT need any site.cfg to compile numpy with 
>>> atlas support. Just install the package atlas3-base-dev, and you are 
>>> done. The reason is that when *compiling* a software which needs atlas, 
>>> the linker will try to find in /usr/lib, not in 
>>> /usr/lib/sse2. If you install atlas3-base-dev, the package will install 
>>> those at the correct locations. I have updated the instructions for 
>>> Ubuntu (also works for debian) on the wiki a few days ago:
>> Indeed, installing atlas3-base-dev helps. I only had atlas3-base, atlas3-sse 
>> and
>> atlas3-sse2-dev installed. Sorry for the noise.
> Hmm, atlas3-sse2-dev doesn't depend on atlas3-base-dev? That sounds like 
> a bug...
Now that you mention it, I am also puzzled by this one: I can see why 
you would use atlas3-sse2-dev without atlas3-base-dev (for the static 
library), but not having atlas3-base-dev makes it imposible to 
dynamically link to atlas libraries without customizing makefiles and/or 
configure options. I will report this as a bug, see what the maintainers 

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