> > In the mean time, do you want to tell us more about how you use bzr with
> > svn. This seems like a good transitory option.
> Once you installed bzr-svn, you can import the whole scikits trunk using
> the svn-import command.

This works OK for Linux, but for Windows, the packages needed by bzr-svn
(the python wrappers that are in the usual python-subversion package) are in
the Subversion trunk (1.5). So we have to compile them first.
Beside this, I'm starting to use bazaar (in fact it's the successor of arch)
for a small project of mine hosted on launchpad.net, and it works great. As
David stated, the only problem is the UI : on Linux, I'm using mainly the
command line because olive-gtk is buggy and not really user friendly (there
is room for improvement, it has even deprecation warnings because it uses a
pre-0.18 bzr API). For Windows, I tried to use it also, but I saw that there
might be a TortoiseBZR program, but I didn't try it.

French PhD student
Website : http://matthieu-brucher.developpez.com/
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