> ... citations ... BibTeX

Please ensure that, whatever you come up with, it is *very intuitive*
for the writer to enter the citation data, or we will quickly lose
citations, and possibly writers.  For example, I would not have them
type in BibTeX entries, but rather provide boxes where they can enter
the title, author, etc. and have the system generate the BibTeX.  Not
everyone uses BibTeX, and the rules about braces, what fields are
required, etc., are not totally trivial.  Perhaps there's a web site
out there that does this already, if BibTex is to be our internal
format (which I'm not at all opposed to; I use it myself).

If a large majority of our current writers thinks BibTeX is ok, then
I'll change my mind.  We should poll them on the acceptability of any
proposed system before implementing it.

For citation keys, what's wrong with good old author-year format?
Most scientific journals use it (Abt 1985).


Abt, H. 1985.  Harold Abt used to publish surveys of things like
  citations when he was ApJ editor in the 1980s but I'm making this
  one up just to demonstrate the format except he'd never allow an
  article title in a citation because he wanted to save ink which
  everyone hated so other journals keep the titles and we should too.
  ApJ 123:1-23.
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