On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 2:33 PM, Travis Oliphant <oliph...@enthought.com>wrote:

> Are we ready to do this yet?
> I know there were some outstanding questions.   Are there major concerns
> remaining?   Or, is it just picking a time to freeze subversion when someone
> like David or Pauli who know how to move the repository to github correctly
> a time to do it.
I didn't see any problems, but I didn't use the test repository that much.
Maybe we should just make the jump and iron out any little wrinkles as they
show up. Losing small bits of history doesn't bother me much.

I think you guys have a big chore ahead of you to merge the refactored stuff
while keeping all the fixes that have gone in since the fork. Good Luck!

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