A Monday 07 March 2011 14:49:26 Pauli Virtanen escrigué:
> Mon, 07 Mar 2011 13:17:55 +0100, Francesc Alted wrote:
> [clip]
> >     from tables.utilsExtension import getPyTablesVersion,
> >     getHDF5Version
> >   
> >   File "definitions.pxd", line 138, in init tables.utilsExtension
> > 
> > (tables/utilsExtension.c:9238)
> > ValueError: numpy.dtype has the wrong size, try recompiling
> > 
> > I've seen the same issue when NumPy jumped from 1.3.x to 1.4.1,
> > forcing all the packages depending on NumPy to be recompiled to
> > work with 1.4.1 and higher.  Do we really want to repeat the
> > experience with 1.5.x --> 1.6.x?
> I got the impression that this unnecessary check was removed in newer
> Cython versions? If so, some of the existing code should not have
> this problem.

Well, I'm using the latest Cython:

$ cython -V
Cython version 0.14.1

> However, the size of PyArray_Descr does not seem to have changed
> between 1.5.1 and the Git master. So I'm not sure why you see this
> error...

Maybe a Cython problem?

Francesc Alted
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