Carlos Becker wrote:
> Besides the matlab/numpy comparison, I think that there is an inherent 
> problem with how expressions are handled, in terms of efficiency.
> For instance, k = (m - 0.5)*0.3 takes 52msec average here (2000x2000 
> array), while k = (m - 0.5)*0.3*0.2 takes 0.079, and k = (m - 
> 0.5)*0.3*0.2*0.1 takes 101msec.
> Placing parentheses around the scalar multipliers shows that it seems to 
> have to do with how expressions are handled, is there sometihng that can 
> be done about this so that numpy can deal with expressions rather than 
> single operations chained by python itself?

well, it is Python, and Python itself does not know anything about array 
math -- so you need to be careful to do that correctly yourself. Python 
aside, understanding how parentheses effect computation, even for 
algebraically equal expressions is a good thing to understand.

Aside from issues with scalars, a Python expression like:

a = a * b * c

   multiply a and b and put it in a temporary
   multiply that temporary by c and put that in a temporary
   assign the final temporary to a

so it does, in fact, create two "unnecessary" temporaries for this 
simple expression.

If you are concerned about performance, there are ways to control that. 
"in-place" operators is one:

a *= b
a *= c

will not create any temporaries, and will probably be faster.

It still does two loops through the data, though. If your arrays are too 
big to fit in cache, that could effect performance. To get around that 
you need to get fancy. One option is numexpr:

numexpr takes an entire expression as input, and can thus optimize some 
of this at the expression level, make good use of cache, etc. -- it's 
pretty cool.

There are a few other options, including weave, of course.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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