01.05.2012 11:14, David Froger kirjoitti:
> Excerpts from Travis Oliphant's message of mar. mai 01 01:39:26 +0200 2012:
> > If you have particular reasons why we should choose a particular CI service,
> > please speak up and let your voice be heard.  There is still time to
> > a difference in what we are setting up.
> Hi all,
> What about  buildbot? (http://trac.buildbot.net/)
> I'm using it currently,  and like it  because is GPL 2,  configuration files 
> are
> powerful Python scripts, and development team is active and dynamic.

We're currently using it: http://buildbot.scipy.org
Although, it hasn't been building automatically for some time now.

It has the following shortcomings:

- Apparently, for one master instance, only one project.

- Last time I looked, Git integration was poor. Maybe this has
  improved since...


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