On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 2:39 PM, Eelco Hoogendoorn
<hoogendoorn.ee...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Note that I am not opposed to extra operators in python, and only mildly
> opposed to a matrix multiplication operator in numpy; but let me lay out the
> case against, for your consideration.
> First of all, the use of matrix semantics relative to arrays semantics is
> extremely rare; even in linear algebra heavy code, arrays semantics often
> dominate. As such, the default of array semantics for numpy has been a great
> choice. Ive never looked back at MATLAB semantics.

Different people work on different code and have different experiences
here -- yours may or may be typical yours. Pauli did some quick checks
on scikit-learn & nipy & scipy, and found that in their test suites,
uses of np.dot and uses of elementwise-multiplication are ~equally
common: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/4351#issuecomment-37717330h

> Secondly, I feel the urge to conform to a historical mathematical notation
> is misguided, especially for the problem domain of linear algebra. Perhaps
> in the world of mathematics your operation is associative or commutes, but
> on your computer, the order of operations will influence both outcomes and
> performance. Even for products, we usually care not only about the outcome,
> but also how that outcome is arrived at. And along the same lines, I don't
> suppose I need to explain how I feel about A@@-1 and the likes. Sure, it
> isn't to hard to learn or infer this implies a matrix inverse, but why on
> earth would I want to pretend the rich complexity of numerical matrix
> inversion can be mangled into one symbol? Id much rather write inv or pinv,
> or whatever particular algorithm happens to be called for given the
> situation. Considering this isn't the num-lisp discussion group, I suppose I
> am hardly the only one who feels so.

My impression from the other thread is that @@ probably won't end up
existing, so you're safe here ;-).

> On the whole, I feel the @ operator is mostly superfluous. I prefer to be
> explicit about where I place my brackets. I prefer to be explicit about the
> data layout and axes that go into a (multi)linear product, rather than rely
> on obtuse row/column conventions which are not transparent across function
> calls. When I do linear algebra, it is almost always vectorized over
> additional axes; how does a special operator which is only well defined for
> a few special cases of 2d and 1d tensors help me with that?

Einstein notation is coming up on its 100th birthday and is just as
blackboard-friendly as matrix product notation. Yet there's still a
huge number of domains where the matrix notation dominates. It's cool
if you aren't one of the people who find it useful, but I don't think
it's going anywhere soon.

> Note that I don't think there is much harm in an @ operator; but I don't see
> myself using it either. Aside from making textbook examples like a
> gram-schmidt orthogonalization more compact to write, I don't see it having
> much of an impact in the real world.

The analysis in the PEP found ~780 calls to np.dot, just in the two
projects I happened to look at. @ will get tons of use in the real
world. Maybe all those people who will be using it would be happier if
they were using einsum instead, I dunno, but it's an argument you'll
have to convince them of, not me :-).


Nathaniel J. Smith
Postdoctoral researcher - Informatics - University of Edinburgh
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