On Sun, Aug 2, 2015 at 1:46 PM, Sturla Molden <sturla.mol...@gmail.com>

> On 02/08/15 22:28, Bryan Van de Ven wrote:
> > And to eliminate the order kwarg, use functools.partial to patch the
> zeros function (or any others, as needed):
> This will probably break code that depends on NumPy, like SciPy and
> scikit-image. But if NumPy is all that matters, sure go ahead and monkey
> patch. Otherwise keep the patched functions in another namespace.

I"d be really careful about this -- sure it's annoying, but a kind of
global change of behavior could wreak havok.

I'd create a set of Fortran-order constructors -- if it were me, I do:



but you could, I suppose, create a namespace and ut hem all there, then
create a fnumpy that would write those over:

import numpy as np

and away you go -- but that wouldn't change any code that imports numpy in
the usual way.



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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