On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 2:11 PM, Marten van Kerkwijk <
m.h.vankerkw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Chuck,
> I consider either proposal an improvement, but among the two I favour
> returning float for `**`, because, like for `/`, it ensures one gets
> closest to the (mathematically) true answer in most cases, and makes
> duck-typing that much easier -- I'd like to be able to do x** y without
> having to worry whether x and y are python scalars or numpy arrays of
> certain type.
> I do agree with Nathaniel that it would be good to check what actually
> breaks. Certainly, if anybody is up to making a PR that implements either
> suggestion, I'd gladly check whether it breaks anything in astropy.
> I  should add that I have no idea how to assuage the fear that new code
> would break with old versions of numpy, but on the other hand, I don't know
> its vailidity either, as it seems one either develops larger projects  for
> multiple versions and tests, or writes more scripty things for whatever the
> current versions are. Certainly, by this argument I better not start using
> the new `@` operator!
> I do think the argument that for division it was easier because there was
> `//` already available is a red herring: here one can use `np.power(a, b,
> dtype=...)` if one really needs to.

It looks to me like users want floats, while developers want the easy path
of raising an error. Darn those users, they just make life sooo difficult...

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