On Sun, Jun 5, 2016 at 5:41 PM, Stephan Hoyer <sho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If possible, I'd love to add new functions for "generalized ufunc" linear
> algebra, and then deprecate (or at least discourage) using the older
> versions with inferior broadcasting rules. Adding a new keyword arg means
> we'll be stuck with an awkward API for a long time to come.
> There are three types of matrix/vector products for which ufuncs would be
> nice:
> 1. matrix-matrix product (covered by matmul)
> 2. matrix-vector product
> 3. vector-vector (inner) product
> It's straightful to implement either of the later two options by inserting
> dummy dimensions and then calling matmul, but that's a pretty awkward API,
> especially for inner products. Unfortunately, we already use the two most
> obvious one word names for vector inner products (inner and dot). But on the
> other hand, one word names are not very descriptive, and the short name
> "dot" probably mostly exists because of the lack of an infix operator.
> So I'll start by throwing out some potential new names:
> For matrix-vector products:
> matvecmul (if it's worth making a new operator)
> For inner products:
> vecmul (similar to matmul, but probably too ambiguous)
> dot_product
> inner_prod
> inner_product

Given how core to linear algebra these are, and that this is a family
of somewhat expert-oriented functions, I think it'd even be fine to
leave the "product" part implicit, like:

np.linalg.vector_matrix_vector (for bilinear forms)

(or we could shorten matrix -> mat, vector -> vec if we must.)


Nathaniel J. Smith -- https://vorpus.org
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