Citeren Michal Soltys <>:

Then, the other options, that is if:

- additional LB checks are to remain in main.c
- new apcsmart's "ignorelb" option to have the desired effect
- the checks are to use well known battery.{runtime,charge}.low, and be universal at the same time

the likely options are:

- handle this at driver level - e.g. preserve the immutable flag if already set without setting rw (if necessary, e.g. in apcsmart if ignorelb is set), ignore polling, adjust the code so it works fine, etc.
- go back to minbatt/mintime
- add e.g. ST_FLAG_USER_OVERRIDE which would be used for any (and only for) override.* in ups.conf (instead of ST_FLAG_USER_IMMUTABLE), while not being encumbered by "must not be rw" constraint

The 1st option looks good ?

Yes. You really must handle this situation at driver level. We don't want to get into a situation where a variable is R/W (through upsrw), but any changes send to the UPS will not be visible because there is an override set in ups.conf. Whether or not it is possible to grant an override in ups.conf also depends on the UPS and therefor must be handled by the driver. For instance, if you want to override battery.charge.low, you must be able to ignore the low battery charge warning from the UPS. Many models (not necessarily APC) will shut down automatically after a low battery condition is detected, so this may not be possible.

In the vast majority of cases, if a UPS reports either battery.charge.low or battery.runtime.low, these will be usable for determining when it is time to shutdown the load. If this doesn't work reliably, chances are that the underlying mechanism of calculating charge or runtime left is broken. There is nothing we can possibly do with that. Also consider the possibility that problems you might be seeing are due to glitches in the status bits. If that is the case, it might help to only set the LB flag if it is reported three times in a row (note that this flag will be latched immediately if the UPS is on battery).

Best regards, Arjen
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