> You could also try adding "-x usb_set_altinterface" to the command line
> (or adding it to ups.conf). The lsusb output implies that the only valid
> setting is 0 (bAlternateSetting), but it might need to be set explicitly.

I checked with -x usb_set_altinterface and it says

   nut_usb_set_altinterface: usb_set_altinterface() should not be
necessary - please email the nut-upsdev list with information about
your UPS

  no other difference from the previous runs

> It might be useful to check and see if the vendor's suggested software
> actually works with this UPS, and if so, record some of the messages it
> sends.

Now that's a problem. I am not sure that I can find

1) the original software
2) a (physical) windows machine in the vicinity of the UPS

I will give it a try but for now looks like a dead end. I have 3 of these
UPS. Two of them have dead batteries and since they take 4 batteries each
it makes it harder to justify their repair.

If I find the software and a windows machine what software should I use to
sniff the usb traffic?

Thanks for your help so far. It was really insightful and educational.


     Vassilis Virvilis

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