> When you carry out tests to ensure that the setup is working well, you will 
> pull the power cord from the wall and wait until the UPS reaches LB. This 
> means waiting and wasting time.  You can speed up the testing by setting LB 
> very high so that the UPS reaches it quickly.  Later you can set a more 
> reasonable value.

After the first test and the NAS is restarted I had to change the setting 
battery.charge.low again to 80 

> On most UPS units, there is a light which goes out.  Some produce an audible 
> clunk as the relays disconnect the UPS power outlets. You could also connect 
> a light bulb to a protected outlet.  It should go out when the UPS shuts down.

The APC produced an audible clunk. So the UPS was shutdown. I am not sure it 
was after 20 seconds. I have to clock that. 

> Example test:
> 1. Pull power cord from wall
> 2. UPS beeps, NAS and Mac continue operation
> 3. Users are warned that power has failed
> 4. When the battery drops to battery.charge.low the slave (Mac) and then the 
> master (NAS) shutdown.
> 5. After 20 seconds the UPS shuts down.
> 6. Reconnect the wall power
> 7. NAS and Mac should restart

Result test 1 

1. Pull power cord from wall. — OK

2. UPS beeps, NAS and Mac continue operation

3. Users from the NAS are warned, not yet the Mac user.  Only when executing 
automatic power-fail shutdown. 

4. Yes, Both the Mac and NAS shutdown. Only the Mac shutdown so fast that it 
looks like pressing the off button. The NAS I have to check if it was in 
safe-mode some how. 

5. The UPS shuts down. I heard an audible clunk. 

6. Reconnect the wall power — OK

7. No they didn’t restart. I know there is a setting on the NAS to activate 
this. I will check and try again. 

This is what is reported from the terminal on the Mac:

Broadcast Message from <user>@<computer name>                                   
        (/dev/ttys001) at 21:30 CEST...                                        
Executing automatic power-fail shutdown  



sudo upsmon -D

Network UPS Tools upsmon 2.7.4
kill: No such process
   0.000000     UPS: ups@<ip address>  (slave) (power value 1)
   0.000718     Using power down flag file /etc/killpower
   0.001192     debug level is '1'
   0.008274     Trying to connect to UPS [ups@<ip adddress>]
   0.009866     Logged into UPS ups@<ip adddress>
 290.089253     Critical UPS: ups@<ip adddress>
 290.089313     Shutting down any UPSes in MASTER mode...
 290.089322     Executing automatic power-fail shutdown
Broadcast Message from <user>@<computer name>                                   
        (/dev/ttys001) at 21:30 CEST...                                        
Executing automatic power-fail shutdown  

Kind regards,


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