On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 23:46, Sami Siren <ssi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sami Siren wrote:
>> Andrzej Bialecki wrote:
>>> How about the following: we build just 2 packages:
>>> * binary: this includes only base hadoop libs in lib/ (enough to start a
>>> local job, no optional filesystems etc), the *.job and *.war files and
>>> scripts. Scripts would check for the presence of plugins/ dir, and offer an
>>> option to create it from *.job. Assumption here is that this shouldbe enough
>>> to run full cycle in local mode, and that people who want to run a
>>> distributed cluster will first install a plain Hadoop release, and then just
>>> put the *.job and bin/nutch on the master.
>>> * source: no build artifacts, no .svn (equivalent to svn export), simple
>>> tgz.
>> this sounds good to me. additionally some new documentation needs to be
>> written too.
> I added a simple patch to NUTCH-728 to make a plain source release from svn,
> what do people think should we add the plain source package into next rc. I
> would not like to make changes to binary package now but propose that we do
> those changes post 1.0.

+1 for including plain source release in next rc.

As for, local/distributed separation, it is a good idea but I think we
should hold
it for 1.1 (or something else) if it requires architectural changes
(thus needs review
and testing).

> --
>  Sami Siren

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