Has anyone seen this.. Do you know the solution.. I will start looking
through the hadopp code but if someone has fixed this already I would
appreciate knowing.. Thanks guys..

Fri Mar 6 14:48:40 2009 DEBUG main java.io.IOException: config()
        at IndexCreator.<init>(IndexCreator.java:66)
        at Driver.createIndex(Driver.java:17)
        at Driver.main(Driver.java:10)

Fri Mar 6 14:48:40 2009 DEBUG main java.io.IOException: config(config)
        at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf.<init>(JobConf.java:77)
        at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf.<init>(JobConf.java:88)
        at org.apache.nutch.util.NutchJob.<init>(NutchJob.java:27)
        at IndexCreator.<init>(IndexCreator.java:68)
        at Driver.createIndex(Driver.java:17)
        at Driver.main(Driver.java:10)


Some background.. I am working in Eclipse, on windows. Put the jar files
in lib directory from the nutch distribution, added the plug-in
directory and nutch seems to generate indexes which Luke can open even
though this happens.. But NutchBean search always fails to find
anything, (returns zero hit objects) even though Luke finds and displays
the indexes without a problem.. I am thinking index dir is okay but the
other things are not, so Nutch Bean is something that might be relying
on those "other things" and so I am seeking to resolve this.. 
Set up log4J correctly and now I am finally seeing these. Thought I
would ask if anyone else has run across this... Sorry I am new to Nutch,
but I don't want to stay that way.. 

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