On 2/16/2017 3:45 PM, Tom Herbert wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 3:30 PM, Joe Touch <to...@isi.edu> wrote:
>> On 2/16/2017 3:26 PM, Tom Herbert wrote:
>>> Admittedly, without any actual TLVs defined in Geneve all of this is
>>> all just speculation on my part!
>>> Tom
>> Agreed, and more specifically, regardless of the flexibility of TLVs in
>> general, if the negotiation protocol specifies a fixed set of them, each
>> with fixed, known length, then even though the TLV allows flexibility in
>> what COULD appear, a given pair of endpoints can rely on a fixed set
>> that is easy to parse in parallel.
> Sure, if you require protocol negotiation to precede use of the
> dataplane then not only can we define the required order of TLVs, but
> we can also define the allowable set of TLVs that each side can send.
> The concept of having ignorable TLVs could just go away (that is a
> good thing IMO). Option negotiation is probably one of things that
> mades TCP options deployable and avoids the concept of ignoring
> options after negotiation.
> But, as I said this idea creates a new dependency on a control plane
> which is TBD. I'm afraid this could be a opening a Pandora's box of
> new complexity that the group didn't bargain for...
You need a control plane to setup the endpoints of a tunnel anyway.
Indicating a fixed set of features for that tunnel is as easy as "use
Bob", where "Bob" is defined elsewhere.


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