Date: Saturday, 20 March 2010 (11:55a-6:50p)
Location: Great Kills Park, Wolfe's Pond Park & Lemon Creek Park
Observers: Eve Levine, Ben Cacace
Reported by: Ben Cacace

Abundance categories for 'Spring' from 'The Birds of Staten Island'
checklist last updated in 2000. Taxonomic order follows.

Seeing a pair of *BLACK VULTURES* in the scope circling west of Great Kills
Park and heading south was one of two highlights for the day. The other was
an odd looking grebe spotted from Lemon Creek Park on Raritan Bay. After
watching this darker faced Horned Grebe sized bird it was determined this
was a *Horned Grebe* in transitional plumage and not the other 'small and
dark headed winter' grebe.

Weather for 20-Mar for Newark, NJ (11:51a-6:51p) < >:
- Conditions: Scattered Clouds to Mostly Cloudy
- Temperature: 69.1 to 75.0 F (+20.6 to 23.9 C)
- Wind direction: S / SW / WSW / W / WSW
- Wind speed: 5 - 22 mph (gusts to 25 mph)

** Total species - 38 **

Not listed for the 'Spring' season [2 spp]:
- Great Cormorant - 5+ along Raritan Bay
- Black Vulture - 2 circling & drifting S from Great Kills Park @ 2:10p

'Occasional' seen a few times per season [2 spp]:
- Northern Shoveler - 5+ on Wolfe's Pond incl. 4 males & 1 female
- Boat-tailed Grackle - 12+ along shore at N end of Great Kills Park

'Uncommon' present but may not be seen [8 spp]:
- Mute Swan - 1 on Wolfe's Pond
- American Wigeon - 10+ on Wolfe's Pond
- Ring-necked Duck - Pair (m/f) on Wolfe's Pond
- Long-tailed Duck - 4 on Raritan Bay
- Red-throated Loon - 2+ on Raritan Bay
- Horned Grebe - 24+ on Raritan Bay incl. 1 transitional plumage
- Turkey Vulture - 2+ over Great Kills Park
- American Oystercatcher - 5 incl. 3 @ Great Kills Park & 2 @ Wolfe's Pond
Park along Raritan Bay

'Common' certain in proper habitat [6 spp]:
- Gadwall - 4 on Raritan Bay
- Red-breasted Merganser - 12+ on Raritan Bay
- Killdeer - 4, 2 @ Great Kills Park & 2 @ Lemon Creek Park along Raritan
- Downy Woodpecker - 2+ seen & heard
- Northern Mockingbird - 6+
- Brown-headed Cowbird - 1 male at Great Kills Park

'Abundant' sure to see [20 spp]:
- Brant - 2000+ mainly at Great Kills Park on the shore
- Canada Goose - 6+
- American Black Duck - 6+ on Raritan Bay from Wolfe's Pond Park
- Mallard - 12+
- Greater Scaup - 40+ incl. Raritan Bay & Wolfe's Pond
- Bufflehead - 24+ on Raritan Bay
- Ring-billed Gull
- Herring Gull
- Great Black-backed Gull
- Rock Pigeon - 12+
- Mourning Dove - 6+
- American Crow - 4+
- American Robin - 6+
- European Starling - 24+
- Yellow-rumped Warbler - 3+ at Great Kills Park
- Song Sparrow - 6+
- Northern Cardinal - 4+
- Red-winged Blackbird - 1 female at Great Kills Park
- Common Grackle - 40+ at Wolfe's Pond Park
- House Sparrow - 12+

Taxonomic order:

- Brant - 2000+ mainly at Great Kills Park on the shore
- Canada Goose - 6+
- Mute Swan - 1 on Wolfe's Pond
- Gadwall - 4 on Raritan Bay
- American Wigeon - 10+ on Wolfe's Pond
- American Black Duck - 6+ on Raritan Bay from Wolfe's Pond Park
- Mallard - 12+
- Northern Shoveler - 5+ on Wolfe's Pond incl. 4 males & 1 female
- Ring-necked Duck - Pair (m/f) on Wolfe's Pond
- Greater Scaup - 40+ incl. Raritan Bay & Wolfe's Pond
- Long-tailed Duck - 4 on Raritan Bay
- Bufflehead - 24+ on Raritan Bay
- Red-breasted Merganser - 12+ on Raritan Bay
- Red-throated Loon - 2+ on Raritan Bay
- Horned Grebe - 24+ on Raritan Bay incl. 1 transitional plumage
- Great Cormorant - 5+ along Raritan Bay

- Black Vulture - 2 circling & drifting S from Great Kills Park @ 2:10p
- Turkey Vulture - 2+ over Great Kills Park

- Killdeer - 4, 2 @ Great Kills Park & 2 @ Lemon Creek Park along Raritan
- American Oystercatcher - 5 incl. 3 @ Great Kills Park & 2 @ Wolfe's Pond
Park along Raritan Bay

- Ring-billed Gull
- Herring Gull
- Great Black-backed Gull

- Rock Pigeon - 12+
- Mourning Dove - 6+

- Downy Woodpecker - 2+ seen & heard
- American Crow - 4+
- American Robin - 6+
- Northern Mockingbird - 6+
- European Starling - 24+
- Yellow-rumped Warbler - 3+ at Great Kills Park
- Song Sparrow - 6+
- Northern Cardinal - 4+

- Red-winged Blackbird - 1 female at Great Kills Park
- Common Grackle - 40+ at Wolfe's Pond Park
- Boat-tailed Grackle - 12+ along shore at N end of Great Kills Park
- Brown-headed Cowbird - 1 male at Great Kills Park

- House Sparrow - 12+


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