Date: Nov. 6, 2010
Place: Jones Beach and Point Lookout Nassau County
Reported By: Joe Giunta
The Brooklyn Botanic Gardens (BBG) birding class concluded its fall series  
of bird walks by visiting Jones Beach and Point Lookout, Nassau County. For 
the  day we saw a total of 42 species. There were many highlights. We 
started the day  off by seeing a Marbled Godwit mixed within the flock of 
American Oystercatchers  on the sandbar off of the Coast Guard station. Also on 
sandbar were a good  number of Red Knot. We walked the median finding a 
good number of Red-breasted  Nuthatches. We checked  the sparrows near the 
Coast Guard station  finding 3 White-crowned Sparrows mixed in with the more 
common sparrows. We  left this area and headed to West End 1. After about 45 
minutes we were able to  get great looks at a Northern Shrike, a 'lifer' for 
many in our group. 
We got a telephone call alerting us to the presence of a Lark Sparrow at  
Zack's Bay. Our group was able to located the bird very readily among the  
picnic tables to the east of the entrance. We made one more stop  at Point 
Lookout before heading home. Next to the first jetty we saw about  50 Common 
This was the sixth and last walk for the fall season, a season in which we  
recorded a total of 116 species.


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