
Some of you who are interested in bird song may be interested. Drew Panko and I have recently posted several bird videos and audio-spectrograms of bird songs. These recent videos are of Worm-eating Warbler, Spotted Sandpiper, and Black-capped Chickadee. The web pages are at <http://www.birdsongid.com>http://www.birdsongid.com which we are slowly developing as a site with a focus on bird song. These add to a collection of more than 80 bird videos on our web pages (including <http://www.battaly.com>www.battaly.com ), plus a beginning collection of spectrograms. The audio-spectrograms, based on recordings by Drew, are another way to study bird song. In preparing the WEWA video of the spectrogram, I had fun counting repeated notes that I could see in the spectrogram but could not possibly count by ear because they are sung too fast to separate - definitely insect-like, though 6 times slower than cicadas.

WEWA video: <http://www.birdsongid.com/video/warblers/worm_eating/>http://www.birdsongid.com/video/warblers/worm_eating/ WEWA spectrogram: <http://www.birdsongid.com/audio/spectrograms/wormeatingwarbler/>http://www.birdsongid.com/audio/spectrograms/wormeatingwarbler/


Gertrude (Trudy) Battaly
mer...@pipeline.com, www.battaly.com , www.birdsongid.com
Saw-whets:  http://www.battaly.com/banding/
Hook Mountain: http://www.battaly.com/hook/
Fire Island Hawk Watch:  http://www.battaly.com/fire/
NEHW:  http://www.battaly.com/nehw/


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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