Hello Everyone,     To see a Whimbrel fly and feel the earth swaying in the
very same day. Hey, now that's something special. This was D. Belanger's and
my 3rd consecutive sighting at Cupsogue this month. The Marbled Godwits were
front and center this morning as we moved about the flats searching for the
6th Godwit and the Whimbrel. We were studying a Western Willet when we heard
the Whimbrel calling. As we spun around it flew right by us continuing its
call notes and heading towards Moriches Inlet. Byron Young came later and
related he'd had 4 Black Terns at Mecox Bay in Watermill. Good August
Birding,[especially post IRENE],    Carl Starace  p.s. go to youtube,
search for "curlew capers",    Long Live Curlews.


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2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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