At Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge today, around 12:30, a Common Raven flew north 
over Big John's Pond pursued by a crow or two, then followed by another raven 
and a crow or two. I raced out to a more open area near Cross Bay Blvd., where 
I briefly relocated the ravens soaring over the west side of the refuge.  This 
could be a new species for the Jamaica Bay list. On a personal note, that's now 
5 of my regular birding spots on western Long Island to which I've added raven 
to my site list (if I kept such a thing).

A few minutes later, looking back toward the east side, a Red-shouldered Hawk 
(adult, no less) appeared in the vicinity of Big John's. I would categorize 
this as a rare bird at the refuge (although a few migrants annually appear at 
the nearby outer beach at Fort Tilden).

Also on the east side was a female Redhead (with no other Aythya ducks), 
visible from the East Pond blind.

I had started the day at Plum Beach, where there were a good number of marsh 
sparrows. On two occasions, I had 4 in one binocular field of view. With 
scanning, up to 10 could be accounted for at one time -- certainly the most 
marsh sparrows I've seen at once in a long time. However, they were far out 
(and partially obscured, as marsh sparrows will be), so a breakdown by species 
and race was not possible. Certainly, Nelson's Sparrows were in the mix (as 
mentioned by Rob Jett yesterday).

At Floyd Bennet Field, I did see that there are now 3 Cattle Egrets.  
Passerines were very numerous in the community garden. This spot frequently 
gets mention as a good spot. What doesn't get mention are the adjacent areas to 
the south and west. These are often quite birdy too, as they were today. 
However, I did not come across any species of note. Even White-crowned Sparrows 
were so numerous, that they don't warrant a mention (oh, but I did). On another 
personal note, my visit to Floyd ended with a killer photograph of an Osprey 
flying up to a tree with a Menhaden in its talons.

Steve Walter
Bayside, NY


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