There was a mildly entertaining, though not as heavy as hoped for, flight of 
diurnal migrant passerines at Fort Tilden this morning.
Some totals (in no particular order) of westbound birds tallied from 7:30-9:30 
Red-winged Blackbird- 830
Common Grackle- 355
Brown-headed Cowbird- 30
Rusty Blackbird- 5
Icterid sp.- 245
American Goldfinch- 135
Purple Finch- 3
House Finch- 8
Cedar Waxwing- 46
American Robin- 435
European Starling- 23
American Pipit- 14
Eastern Bluebird- 3
Yellow-rumped Warbler- 26
Northern Harrier- 1 male

Also of note off shore was a decent (for Tilden) westbound flight (40 in the 
first 8 minutes) of Red-throated Loons early on, and the continuing juvenile 
Glaucous Gull.

The Ross's Goose continued in the fields in Floyd Bennett Field (seen around 
10:30, at dusk, and 30 minutes after sunset). The evening staging group of 
Ring-billed Gulls at the boat ramp lot consisted of ~540 individuals, about 60 
of those continuing south and never landing. Normal numbers the last couple of 
years during the peak have been over 2,000 birds.

At Canarsie Beach Park in Brooklyn (On Seaview Ave., off Exit 13 of the Belt 
Parkway) there was a Nashville Warbler closely associating with an 
Orange-crowned Warbler. There are likely some other goodies at this very 
under-birded location, but since my visit was around 2 PM I found virtually no 
bird activity.

There was also a small but noticeable late-season raptor movement, with 3 
Red-shouldered Hawks, 8 Red-tailed Hawks, and 2-3 Turkey Vultures seen riding 
thermals around mid-day, mostly just north of Gravesend Bay (One of the Turkey 
Vultures was over Breezy Point though, an unusual sight there).

Good Birding
-Doug Gochfeld. Brooklyn, NY.


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