So to recap the final score in the Birding Super Bowl of Whining!!!!


Indignant casual birder 14

Righteous photographers who cause no harm 9

Elitist birders who withhold sightings 7

Sensitive birders who see all sides 17

Pushy photographers who flush Owls 0

Silent lurkers who enjoy reading posts about birds 176,894


Can't we get back to birds??


Sorry but, is this subject not beaten to death at this point?..please accept
my humorous suggestion to move on.



Patrick in Eastport


[] On Behalf Of Nadine
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2012 3:40 PM
To: Jim Osterlund
Subject: Re: [nysbirds-l] ethics, photographers, knee-jerks, op-eds


On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 1:58 PM, Jim Osterlund <>

"Capitalism is the American way, and I'm all for it.  So let's consider a
capitalistic approach to the problem.  Let's boycott, and advocate
boycotting to others, the sale of those photos.  Let's point out to the
editors of publications we see with photos that cause us concern exactly
what our concerns are and that our concerns might lead us to ceasing to
subscribe. "


The sale of WHICH photos?  How on earth are you going to know which photos
were taken "appropriately" (without causing a disturbance to the subject)
and which were taken "inappropriately"?  MANY photographers have amazingly
huge lenses that allow for shots from long distances - so you would have no
way to know how close a photo was taken.


Now it appears you may be punishing ALL photographers for the actions of a


If you know a specific NAME of a photographer who acts inappropriately while
taking wildlife photos, go ahead and boycott them.  However, many
photographers sell their photos to other companies, so that wouldn't even


There is no good way to do this, other than to try and educate the
photographers and birders who WANT to be educated, and report the rest to
the appropriate authorities.

On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 1:58 PM, Jim Osterlund <>

Response I got from NYSDEC echos that given to another who's posted here.
It was basically advise to contact the appropriate ECO, but it included a
discouraging addition;  "Yes harassing wildlife is a violation of the ECL.
Proving it and prosecuting it is another issue." 


So, we've heard anecdotes, opinions, bile, ridicule and humor, but little
has been gained beyond exposing the old-school secret-society element.  That
has been useful to me personally.  it has been my wont to accurately show
locations with my posts and even to supplement the posts of others;  I will
discontinue that practice lest I incur reprisal for offending them.


One aspect of the original problem has gone untouched, curiously enough, and
goes to the distinction between "them" and "us".  "We" are amateurs,
hobbyists;  even those of us with credentials are to be so considered
because we don't get paid for it.  When we get a particularly good sighting
or photograph, we take it home and cherish it.  "They" copyright and post
their photos, offering them for sale.  "We" try for the best view or shot we
can get, the more to cherish;  "they" try for the better shot to increase
its value.  "They" are at work;  "we" are at play.  Things like codes of
ethics, consideration, good manners;  these are for the likes of "us", and
not for professionals at work.


Capitalism is the American way, and I'm all for it.  So let's consider a
capitalistic approach to the problem.  Let's boycott, and advocate
boycotting to others, the sale of those photos.  Let's point out to the
editors of publications we see with photos that cause us concern exactly
what our concerns are and that our concerns might lead us to ceasing to
subscribe.  Let word of this spread amongst "them";  we saw in an anecdote
posted earlier that a photographer doing wrong responded immediately and
correctly - to word from another photographer.


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