Please join us for our monthly program at the Cold Spring Harbor Library:

Make Room for Wildlife: Effects of Exurban Development on Songbirds and Other 
Wildlife, Lessons from the Adirondacks with Michale Glennon, Ph.D
November 12 at 7pm

Low density  (exurban) residential  development  is the fastest  growing 
land use in  the  United States, and is    
particularly prevalent in areas of high amenity value surrounding 
protected areas, including the private lands of 
the  Adirondack  Park.    Consisting  of  homes  located  on  large  
lots  of  5 - 40  acres,  it  is  a  particularly                
consumptive development pattern, and, although not always visually 
obtrusive, it has major and irreversible 
impacts  on  wildlife.    Specialized  species  that  are  intolerant  
of  humans  are  displaced  by  generalist  species;    
human-wildlife  conflict  may  increase  due  to  intrusion  by  
settlement  into  prime  wildlife  habitat;  and  wide-
ranging species suffer the incremental loss of habitat caused by 
expanded road and driveway networks and the 
development itself.  Research in the Adirondacks has demonstrated that 
exurban development is a quickly-growing development pattern, but until 
recently the precise ecological impacts in this ecosystem were poorly 
understood.   Join us tonight as we learn about direct impacts to 
songbirds and other wildlife from exurban      

About  the  speaker: As  Science  Coordinator  
for  the  Adirondack  Program  of  the  Wildlife  Conservation         
Society, Michale serves a leading role in the ecological research 
conducted in the Adirondacks. Her research 
interests lie primarily at the intersection between land use management 
and ecological integrity, with a number 
of projects ranging from the impacts of low density, exurban development on 
wildlife to the potential changes 
to Adirondack lowland boreal communities resulting from climate change.  
Michale joined WCS in 2003 after 
completing  a  Ph.D.  at  the  State  University  of  New  York,  
College  of  Environmental  Science  and  Forestry 
where  she  explored  the  effects  of  land  use  management  on  bird  and  
small  mammal  communities  in  the        
Adirondack Park. She has also worked on the potential impacts of ski 
area development on Bicknell’s thrush, a 
Neotropical  migrant  of  high  conservation  priority  in  the  east,  
and  on  a  project  to  understand  the  rapidly         
expanding moose population in the Adirondacks and its relatedness to 
nearby populations in neighboring states 
and provinces. In addition to her exurban development work, Michale is 
currently working to understand the 
status and distribution of a suite of lowland boreal birds in the 
Adirondack Park and the potential impacts of 
climate  change  on  these  vulnerable  species.  Michale  serves  on  
the  advisory  board  of  the  Shingle  Shanty       
Preserve  and  Research  Station,  the  Technical  Advisory  Committee  
for  the  Adirondack  Park  Agency,  the      
Biodiversity  Conservation  Advisory  Committee  for  the  New  York  
State  Department  of  Environmental        
Conservation, the Forest and Land Management Task Force of the 
Adirondack Climate Action Plan, the Avian        
Taxonomic Working Group of the Adirondack All-Taxa Biodiversity 
Inventory, and the Paul Smiths College 
Fisheries and Wildlife Science Advisory Board.
For more information on our programs, field trips and activities please visit 
our website. 

Stella Miller
Huntington-Oyster Bay Audubon 

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