Inspired by Shai’s Friday post about doing a rarity round up, I covered a lot 
of ground along the south shore this weekend. Though I failed to locate any 
Hammond’s-tier vagrants, there were some nice seasonal irregularities and 
uncommon species to be found these past few days. I’m not going to steal anyone 
else’s highlights for this write-up, just posting notes as potential CBC intel 
or for the sake of county/year/month(?) listers. Apologies for length and 

-single Northern Parulas at JFK Memorial Wildlife Sanctuary and Cow Meadow Park
-drake Blue-winged Teal also at JFK, associating with Green-wings and other 
-American Bittern in the marshes north of Gilgo Beach
-Parasitic Jaeger, young Common Tern, Iceland Gull, and close, sizable 
congregations of Bonaparte’s Gulls at the Jones West End jetty. No sign of 
rarer associates in several hours of searching
-at least one continuing Cackling Goose at Hendrickson Park

The parulas represent the only Nassau records past the first week of November 
according to eBird, though I wonder if other archival data to the contrary 
exists. Along with a few additional individuals between Brooklyn and Montauk, 
and a smattering of other lingering wood-warblers from Prothonotary to 
Wilson’s, we have a number of potential new late regional records in progress 
or approaching. 

One hopes that the conspicuous presence of Bonaparte’s Gulls will continue 
after too many years of near absence in our area, potentially sticking for the 
count and drawing in some goodies in the process. In the more immediate future, 
strong winds with a southeasterly component on Tuesday could produce 
interesting sightings for those who can watch.

As an aside, early predictions about a certain irruption seem to be on very 
much point. This is an event worth documenting and admiring respectfully, even 
if the specific details are not to be shared here. It’s always a spectacle, at 
any rate. 

-Tim H

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