New York County (in N.Y. City) including Manhattan, and Randall’s Island 

Tuesday, Jan. 12th -

Thanks to C. Quinn, a re-find of the Greater White-fronted Goose (of the 
Greenland-breeding form) - at Randall’s Island, late Tuesday, after having gone 
‘missing’ from the county for at least 4 days (presuming that is, this is the 
same individual also last seen at Central Park’s reservoir on 1/7) this latest 
sighting from Tues. at the Bronx Kill, seen sleeping at lower tide, among over 
100 Canada Geese around the n.-w. part of the island. Numbers of Canada Geese 
on the island generally fluctuate & move about, & with them presumably the 
Greater White-fronted is also fairly mobile at times.   Also continuing at 
Randall’s has been the adult Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, and as well in the 
same area at times, a young Black-crowned Night-Heron (and there are also Great 
Blue Herons seen off & on there); the Yellow-crowned has been regular at Little 
Hell Gate’s saltmarsh, often near the n. edges, & may or may not be rather 

There has been *no* re-sighting of a Black-headed Gull that had turned up on 
one day only (the last day of 2020) at Randall’s Island & similarly there has 
not been a re-find of a Lesser Black-backed Gull seen (& also photographed as 
was the Black-headed) there, a bit more recently - these and other gulls of 
note could be around, somewhere in the county, at roosting areas, or (just 
possibly) also coming in to the Central Park reservoir for a visit, as gulls 
will come & go there regularly.  On Tuesday, many hundreds of gulls showed at 
the latter location, which may increase chances of some less-expected species 
dropping in amongst the many ‘usuals’ of Ring-billed, [American] Herring, & 
Great Black-backed Gulls.

2 Western Tanagers continue in Manhattan as before, the one at Carl Schurz Park 
& its immediate vicinity, around East End Ave. & often near East 86th St., 
where a main entry to that park is - however this bird can also be in other 
areas of that park & along East End Ave., as much as 2 blocks or so north/south 
of 86th St.- having been seen by me & numbers of others make such forays in 
recent days, and probably earlier, as well.  The first of the W. Tanagers to be 
discovered & seen by many, at West 22nd St. near / east of Tenth Ave. in the 
Chelsea area, has also been making forays for some time now, & can be elusive 
at times. I have now seen that bird from 2/3-way up 22nd St. towards Ninth 
Ave.(from Tenth Ave.) & along W. 23rd St., as well as along Tenth Ave. itself, 
& there have been a few sightings and reports from along the adjacent High 
Line, which a small portion of is visible from Tenth at 22nd-23rd Streets. On 
Tuesday it did come in to the trees along W. 22nd, east of Tenth, but seemed 
not to stay - that bird also has gone to rooftops and then been out-of-view for 
periods.  It’s hard to state which of these 2 different W. Tanagers is the 
tougher (lately) to locate, but it may be the latter; also there seem to be 
more frequent attempts by birders to observe the Carl Schurz Park bird (which 
also gives higher odds of additional reports from the latter site).  As a nice 
bonus-bird at Carl Schurz, a well-photographed Orange-crowned Warbler was found 
there by L. LaBella, also Tuesday - that being at least the 4th warbler species 
seen in N.Y. County, in recent days.

Of various & numerous other species about in N.Y. County, it’s seemed 2 species 
stand out a bit as having at least lingered on in some numbers, spread all 
through the county, &/or may have actually increased a bit as calendar-winter 
continued to now: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, which are turning up in many areas, 
& also Ruby-crowned Kinglet, which i have seen in slightly higher (overall) 
numbers in these first days of the new year than (averages) over time in the 
same period.  So long as weather remains relatively mild, these birds are still 
doing reasonably well in their multiple locations.  There are also ongoing 
smaller numbers of various other (half-hardy, to use the old term) species such 
as Hermit Thrush, Gray Catbird, Brown Thrasher, and more; some less-common (in 
winter, here) sparrows have been lingering also, including a few Lincoln’s 
Sparrows and Chipping, Field, & Savannah Sparrow[s], with a few E. Towhees also 
around, among other species.

Good mild-stretch birding to all,

Tom Fiore

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