
I'm resurrecting this thread with some new findings. I re-ran many of
the benchmarks we've been following, pitting Jackrabbit 2.8.0 against
Oak 1.0.1 with TarMK. The results look pretty nice:

    Summary (90%, lower is better)

    Benchmark                      Jackrabbit  Oak-Tar
    ReadPropertyTest                       45        4
    SetPropertyTest                      1179      119
    SmallFileReadTest                      47        7
    SmallFileWriteTest                    182       43
    ConcurrentReadTest                   1201      710
    ConcurrentReadWriteTest              1900      775
    ConcurrentWriteReadTest              1009      108
    ConcurrentWriteTest                   532      101

See https://gist.github.com/jukka/078bd524aa0ba36b184b for details.

I also tried including MongoMK results, but the benchmark got stuck in
ConcurrentReadTest. I'll re-try today and will file a bug if I can
reproduce the problem.


Jukka Zitting

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