When using this library you can use an OAuthValidator implementation, like
SimpleOAuthValidator, to check the signature, timestamp, & nounce. An
example of it being used can be found in the EchoServlet on line 52
"SampleOAuthProvider.VALIDATOR.validateMessage(requestMessage, accessor);"
[1]. More specifically the SimpleOAuthValidator.validateSignature method
checks the signature [2]. You can see the validation fail if you hit the
servlet without the OAuth parameters/headers at /echo (ie
http://localhost:8080/oauth-provider/echo). An HTTP 401 will be returned
indicating you are unauthorized. Of course this is just an example, and you
will likely need to change some things for a production environment. For
example nounces are kept track of in memory which is probably not advisable.

Another example that you might take a look at, if you haven't already, is
the OAuth Spring Security extension's example applications [3]. If you are
not already familiar with Spring and Spring Security it may take some time
to figure out what is going on though.

PS: You probably already know this but better to be safe than sorry. I
noticed the link you referenced points to version 1.0 of the specification.
A security vulnerability has been fixed in the 1.0a version of the
specification [4], so you will likely want to use that version.



[3] http://spring-security-oauth.codehaus.org/tutorial.html

[4] http://oauth.net/core/1.0a


On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 1:31 AM, Anuradha Thota <anuradha.th...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Yes I have seen this example.I do not see signature verification
> process anywhere.According to http://oauth.net/core/1.0, the Service
> Provider verifies the request by generating a new request signature
> octet string, and comparing it to the signature provided by the
> Consumer.Could you plesae provide help on this?
> Iam sending authorization header from my consumer.What exactly has to
> be done with this consumer auth header/signature at the service
> provider side?
> Thanks,
> Anuradha
> >

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