Thanks that is better.

Without knowing the lifetime of the token these are per guess probabilities.
Effectively 128bits for a random value and 256bits for a HMAC or other 

For tokens intended for handling by end-users it may be useful to give some 
In general you don't want an attacker having more than a one in 2^14 chance of 
guessing a valid code for a AS during the lifetime of the code(NIST LoA 2).

For a code randomly generated from a 94 character code set 4 characters gets 
you 26.3 bits of entropy.
5 characters requires limiting an attacker to 2^12.3 (5,042) guesses per token 

For a code randomly generated from a 94 character code set 5 characters gets 
you 32.9 bits of entropy.
5 characters requires limiting an attacker to 2^18.9 (489,178) guesses per 
token lifetime. 

If the token is single use and the client uses it right away that is easy,  
however in a worst case scenario the token might live 10min?
That would be 8.4 attempts per second as a max for a 4 character code or 815 
per second for 5 characters.

That is all way too much to explain however I would recommend as a general rule:

Credentials intended for handling by end users SHOULD be a minimum of 5 
randomly generated charters from a set of 94 or otherwise contain a minimum 
entropy of 2^32.9.

That is probably high enough that the AS will notice an attack,  lower entropy 
may pass under the radar.  
Also the chances of an attacker being successful go up proportionally to the 
number simultaneous codes in flight at any point (it becomes a non targeted 

It isn't something that I will loose sleep over,  It gives me something else to 

John B.

On 2012-03-07, at 8:18 PM, Eran Hammer wrote:

> New text:
>          The probability of an attacker guessing generated tokens (and other 
> credentials not
>          intended for handling by end-users) MUST be less than or equal to 
> 2^(-128) and SHOULD be
>          less than or equal to 2^(-160).
> Removed reference to RFC 1750.
> EH
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: John Bradley []
>> Sent: Monday, February 06, 2012 5:07 PM
>> To: Eran Hammer
>> Cc: Julian Reschke;; The IESG;
>> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Last Call: <draft-ietf-oauth-v2-bearer-15.txt> (The
>> OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol: Bearer Tokens) to Proposed Standard
>> RE new text in Draft 23
>> Generated tokens and other credentials not intended for handling by
>>   end-users MUST be constructed from a cryptographically strong random
>>   or pseudo-random number sequence ([RFC1750]) generated by the
>>   authorization server.
>> Given that many implementations may elect to use signed tokens, such as
>> SAML or JWT (JOSE) this should not be a MUST.
>> Giving people sensible defaults such as the probability of an attacker
>> guessing a valid access token for the protected resource should be less than
>> 2^(-128).
>> The probability of generating hash colisions randomly is a odd metric,  2^(-
>> 128) for a SHA256 as I recall.
>> Many factors play into what is secure, token lifetime etc.
>> I don't mind some reasonable defaults but adding a requirement for
>> unstructured tokens is a bit much.
>> Regards
>> John B.

Attachment: smime.p7s
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