Hiya in return and inline below...

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 3:00 PM, Stephen Farrell <stephen.farr...@cs.tcd.ie>

> Hmm. So the SAML one only seems to have RSA-SHA1 as the MTI and the
> JOSE one has only H256 as required.
> Doesn't that seem like one is unacceptably old and the other
> is not great for this purpose?

Admittedly, I was a little worried you'd say that :)

> My suggestion would be to add rsa-sha256 as MTI for these, as an
> addition to whatever JOSE and SAML make MTI. But I'd be happy to
> clear if you made any modern signature alg MTI.
Honestly, in my view, an MIT on these doesn't make a whole lot of sense as
I think what's actually implemented/supported will be dictated by the
larger deployments of SAML/SAMLP or JWT/JOSE/OpenID Connect. My feeling is
that an MIT in these specs would likely be ignored and/or not influence
implementers/deployers. So my preference would be to leave MTI out of these.

But if you're not swayed by that line of thinking, and I'm guessing you're
not, rsa-sha256 is probably the most appropriate choice. Could you give
some guidance and/or point to examples of where and how to say that
appropriately in the documents? Thanks!

> Cheers,
> S.
> PS: Stuff below is fine.
Great, thank you.
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