I was thinking that escaping would differentiate the = inside the query 
parameter value. 

Although relying on multiple levels of URI escaping may be fragile in practice.

John B.
> On Jul 21, 2015, at 5:23 PM, Justin Richer <jric...@mit.edu> wrote:
> Brian, thanks for reading through the document and setting fire to the 
> strawman within.
> Very good call on the hash inputs, I think you’re definitely right. I’m not 
> sure how best to handle that apart from some kind of out-of-band delimiter. 
> Maybe we should hash a dot-separated base64 encoded list? (I’m only half 
> joking.)
> The repeated/ordering problem is definitely one that would need to be sorted 
> out (no pun intended). I think there’s some language in there that says that 
> the ordering has to be the same, or that the server needs to be aware of it.
> I wouldn’t be surprised if I fat-fingered in “client” in the wrong places a 
> few times, too.
> Also missing from the document: a means to communicate the JWT from the 
> client to the RS. I envisioned it being in parallel to RFC6750, with the 
> preferred method of being a header:
> Authorization: Signed-Http eyj…. SIGNED JWT GOES HERE …. uyweWEafe23
> With form and query parameters as other options. Note that adding this as a 
> query parameter doesn’t screw up the signature calculation, since you have to 
> specify which query parameters you signed.
>  — Justin
>> On Jul 21, 2015, at 4:19 PM, Brian Campbell <bcampb...@pingidentity.com 
>> <mailto:bcampb...@pingidentity.com>> wrote:
>> I think I said, at the last meeting, that I would review 
>> draft-ietf-oauth-signed-http-request, which was maybe foolish of me, but I 
>> thought I should be timely and send something before the meeting tomorrow. 
>> Even though the document isn't on the agenda. 
>> Let me first say that I honestly don't know if this HTTP signing is the 
>> right approach or not for presenting some kind of 'better than bearer' 
>> access tokens to the RS. As such, I don't intend my reading/review of the 
>> document as either an endorsement of it or opposition to it. 
>> That said, I did notice a couple of potential security or interoperability 
>> issues that I wanted to raise.
>> Following the description of calculating the query parameter list and hash 
>> <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-signed-http-request-01#section-3.2>
>>  and validating the query parameter list and hash 
>> <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-signed-http-request-01#section-4.1>
>>  (text of both copied below) it seems like different query strings could 
>> result in the same hash value. For example,
>> The query string ?foo=bar%3D&bar= processed in order shown there would have 
>> a names list of ["foo", "bar"] and parameters of
>>  foo=bar=
>>  bar=
>> and the hash would be of
>>  foo=bar=bar=
>> While the different query string ?foo=&bar=bar%3D processed in the same 
>> order, left to right, would have the same names list of ["foo", "bar"] and 
>> parameters of 
>>  foo=
>>  bar=bar=
>> and the hash would be of
>>  foo=bar=bar=
>> It's a made up example but seems to show that different content in the query 
>> string can sometimes be manipulated to produce the same hash. I don't have 
>> an exploit in mind but the bad guys are smarter than me. And it's probably 
>> just generally the kind of thing a security related protocol shouldn't allow 
>> for. 
>> Or am I misunderstanding something?
>> Seems like encoding and delimitation need to be explicitly handled in 
>> whatever way the query parameters are dealt with. There's already a [[]] in 
>> there that hints at the possibility. 
>> The text also says "repeated parameter names are processed separately with 
>> no special handling" but, for that to work, doesn't it require that the 
>> client and server process repeated parameters in the same order?
>> I think the header list and hash likely has similar issues as it's basically 
>> the same approach.
>> As I look at the text again, shouldn't the 4.x sections talk about the 
>> server or resource server rather than the client?
>> 3.2 
>> <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-signed-http-request-01#section-3.2>.
>>   Calculating the query parameter list and hash
>>    To generate the query parameter list and hash, the client creates two
>>    data objects: an ordered list of strings to hold the query parameter
>>    names and a string buffer to hold the data to be hashed.
>>    The client iterates through all query parameters in whatever order it
>>    chooses and for each query parameter it does the following:
>>    1.  Adds the name of the query parameter to the end of the list.
>>    2.  Encodes the name and value of the query parameter as "name=value"
>>        and appends it to the string buffer.  [[Separated by an
>>        ampersand?  Alternatively we could have this also pulled into an
>>        ordered list and post-process the concatenation, but that might
>>        be too deep into the weeds. ]]
>>    Repeated parameter names are processed separately with no special
>>    handling.  Parameters MAY be skipped by the client if they are not
>>    required (or desired) to be covered by the signature.
>>    The client then calculates the HMAC hash over the resulting string
>>    buffer.  The list and the hash result are added as the value of the
>>    "p" member.
>> 4.1 
>> <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-signed-http-request-01#section-4.1>.
>>   Validating the query parameter list and hash
>>    The client has at its disposal a map that indexes the query parameter
>>    names to the values given.  The client creates a string buffer for
>>    calculating the hash.  The client then iterates through the "list"
>>    portion of the "p" parameter.  For each item in the list (in the
>>    order of the list) it does the following:
>>    1.  Fetch the value of the parameter from the HTTP request parameter
>>        map.  If a parameter is found in the list of signed parameters
>>        but not in the map, the validation fails.
>>    2.  Encode the parameter as "name=value" and concatenate it to the
>>        end of the string buffer. [[same separator issue as above.]]
>>    The client calculates the hash of the string buffer and base64url
>>    encodes it.  The client compares that string to the string passed in
>>    as the hash.  If the two match, the hash validates, and all named
>>    parameters and their values are considered covered by the signature.
>>    There MAY be additional query parameters that are not listed in the
>>    list and are therefore not covered by the signature.  The client MUST
>>    decide whether or not to accept a request with these uncovered
>>    parameters.
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