And I agree, Brock. CSP-3 policies that use strict-dynamic and nonces are 
fairly straight forward to deploy and provide backwards compatibility down to 
CSP 2 and 1. I yearn for a world where token binding and CSP are commonplace so 
I can sleep again! Until then, these solutions are fragile at best in the face 
of XSS.

Jim Manico
Secure Coding Education
+1 (808) 652-3805

> On May 18, 2018, at 12:53 PM, Brock Allen <> wrote:
> Fair enough, and I'm happy that this discussion has started. 
> For now, IMO, CSP is a big help in protecting these types of apps. Token 
> binding will of course help too, once it's available/practical.
> -Brock
>> On 5/18/2018 12:47:49 PM, John Bradley <> wrote:
>> There are lots of issues with the current implicit flow around fragment 
>> encoding as well.
>> However moving the token used for refresh from being a HTTP only cookie to a 
>> refresh token available in the DOM makes me uncomfortable without having 
>> sufficient mitigations against XSS.
>> The current flow is vulnerable to  XSS for the AT, however if that is short 
>> lived it restricts the damage.
>> The better solution is token binding the AT and perhaps a RT. 
>> We need to start talking about it.  There are issues around potentially 
>> using service workers etc as well.
>> So we should start but I am not sure of what the correct answer is yet.
>> John B.
>> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
>> From: Brock Allen
>> Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 6:36 PM
>> To: John Bradley; David Waite; Hannes Tschofenig
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] is updated guidance needed for JS/SPA apps?
>> It sounds to me as if you're hesitant to recommend code flow (at least for 
>> now) then for browser-based JS apps.
>> -Brock
>> On 5/18/2018 12:27:48 PM, John Bradley <> wrote:
>> Yes that was the original intent to have the AT be short lived and refresh 
>> the AT via the authorization endpoint based on the session cookie. 
>> The session cookie should also be flagged as http only to protect it. 
>> Having a refresh token in local storrage may introduce new security issues 
>> unless it is token bound. 
>> Understanding the security issues of the code flow in the browser is 
>> important, before any new recommendation. 
>> John B.
>> From: Brock Allen
>> Sent: Friday, May 18, 2:46 PM
>> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] is updated guidance needed for JS/SPA apps?
>> To: David Waite, Hannes Tschofenig
>> Cc:
>> One thing I maybe should have listed in the pros/cons in my original email 
>> is session management and token lifetime considerations, keeping in mind the 
>> original intent of the implicit flow.
>> What I mean is that with implicit grant type, the client's ability to get 
>> new access tokens is limited to the user's session at the AS/OP. Obviously 
>> other flows make more sense to obtain longer lived access (via refresh 
>> tokens), but I don't know about a browser-based JS app. In a sense there's a 
>> bit of protection for the end user built into that design by virtue of being 
>> tied to the user's cookie at the AS/OP.
>> Just throwing that out as an additional discussion point.
>> -Brock
>> On 5/18/2018 6:04:47 AM, David Waite <> wrote:
>> I have written some guidance already (in non-RFC format) on preferring code 
>> for single page apps, and other security practices (CORS, CSP). From the AS 
>> point of view, it aligns well with the native apps BCP. There are benefits 
>> of thinking about native and SPA apps just as ‘public clients’ from a 
>> policy/properties point of view. It also greatly simplifies OAuth/OIDC 
>> support on both the AS administrator and client developer side when 
>> converting web properties into native apps using technologies like Electron 
>> or Cordova.
>> For the later requirements in the list around token policy, I am not sure 
>> these are requirements for single page apps per se. I don’t believe the need 
>> for a policy using short-lived refresh tokens, revoking at signout, or use 
>> of the revocation endpoint are different from browser and native 
>> applications. Rather they seem to be a function of usage patterns that an AS 
>> may need to support, and we happen to sometimes associate those usage 
>> patterns with typical usage of native apps vs of browser apps. For example, 
>> browser login on a borrowed device can easily leak over to being app 
>> authorization - the authentication/authorization are web-based processes to 
>> achieve SSO.
>> I have been working on some guidance here around token lifetimes and 
>> policies, but I don’t know whether that brings in too much AS/OP business 
>> logic (and, likely implied product/deployment features) to be industry 
>> practices.
>> -DW
>> On May 17, 2018, at 10:23 AM, Hannes Tschofenig <> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi Brock,
>> there have been several attempts to start writing some guidance but so far 
>> we haven’t gotten too far..
>> IMHO it would be great to have a document.
>> Ciao
>> Hannes
>> From: OAuth [] On Behalf Of Brock Allen
>> Sent: 17 May 2018 14:57
>> To:
>> Subject: [OAUTH-WG] is updated guidance needed for JS/SPA apps?
>> Much like updated guidance was provided with the "OAuth2 for native apps" 
>> RFC, should there be one for "browser-based client-side JS apps"? I ask 
>> because google is actively discouraging the use of implicit flow:
>> From what I can tell, the complaints with implicit are:
>> * access token in URL
>> * access token in browser history
>> * iframe complexity when using prompt=none to "refresh" access tokens
>> But this requires:
>> * AS/OP to support PKCE
>> * AS/OP to support CORS 
>> * user-agent must support CORS
>> * AS/OP to maintain short-lived refresh tokens 
>> * AS/OP must aggressively revoke refresh tokens at user signout (which is 
>> not something OAuth2 "knows" about)
>> * if the above point can't work, then client must proactively use revocation 
>> endpoint if/when user triggers logout
>> Any use in discussing this?
>> -Brock
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