While most people have probably started to think about skiing instead of 
cycling by now, there is still one very important activity left for OBC 
members. The Annual General Meeting will be held on Wed. Oct 24.

Historically, interest in the AGM from most OBC members is very low. 
This is wrong because to be blunt about, the AGM is where the Board of 
Directors is selected for the next year - this is the group of people 
that decided how to spend YOUR membership fees and organize YOUR events.

This year, although I am a Director of the club, I will not be able to 
attend due to work committments. I feel quite bad about this because I 
am hearing rumours that some of the people who are planning to attend 
the AGM are people who have publicly and loudly pronounced their 
disapproval of the OBC, the current board of directors and the 
President, Avery Burdett in particular. Some of these people are from 
other cycling groups. I have heard it said that these people want to 
take over the OBC for the other groups purposes. This is very troubling 
as it may mean a change in the types of programs that the OBC offers 
(i.e. no more time trials maybe?). I do know that a lot of these people 
are not necessarily interested in the same type of cycling that the OBC 
and its members tend to focus their energies on - group tours for all 
abilities (beginners to racers), time trials, overnight tours etc.

For the first time in my experience in the club, there is an election 
race for the position of President. For the past two years I think Avery 
has done an excellent job of keeping the club finances in check, keeping 
interest in many different activities high, representing the interests 
of the OBC cyclists and helping the other directors in managing the wide 
variety of events the OBC offers you. As we all know, he is extremely 
passionate about all types of cycling. He has been seen on his bike at 
almost every OBC activity. Each year he has been involved has been 
better than the last.

He is more than capable of carrying on in these duties.

I urge all OBC members to think about how they want their club to 
continue. It is crucial this year as there is a risk that all of the 
hard work that Avery and the current Board have put in may be lost. 
Please do your part and come out and vote to keep things progressing for 
the better.

Kevin Nelson

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