> Sounds like a "Yes" wheel regs in effect for all sanctioned racing.
> Opinions?

I won't quewstion the reasoning, but my problem is this: I ride on Rolf 
Vector Comps (which I have now found out are illegal), I do mostly 
unsanctionned training races and maybe one or two sanctionned races a 
year. It will cost me between $600 - $800 to get a pair of legal wheels 
(at least the ones that I want). So, I probably won't do that just for a 
couple of races a year. Which means I will just continue with the 
non-sanctionned training races only :-(

Question: how much could I expect to pay for a pair of 32-spoke wheels 
with a standard rim (say a Mavic Open Pro) on Ultegra Hubs?

Kevin Nelson

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