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On Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 23:15, Bill Taylor who's a 
wrote re "re:[obc] 2002 OBC Paris-Roubaix" saying:

> For list help, please send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hi Paul et al,
> Actually, you're not the only one experiencing this phenomenon.  I've 
> notice the same thing a couple of weeks ago, and thought it was just 
> my machine or browser.  Oddly enough, it's nice to know I'm not the 
> only experiencing this as I can now rule out that it's not a problem 
> on my end.
> Cheers-for-gears,
> Bill Taylor
> At 10:10 PM -0400 24/4/02, Paul Lindsay wrote:
> >For list help, please send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >>I added the Paris-Roubaix results to the whats new page of the website.
> >Huh?  Is it just my computer, or why can I not access any page of the OBC
> >website other than the home page?  All others are blank  except for a
> >menu to other pages.
> >....Paul L.
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   ,__@ Tom A. Trottier +1 613 860-6633 fax:231-6115
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Laws are the spider's webs which, 
if anything small falls into them they ensnare it, 
but large things break through and escape.
        --Solon, statesman (c.638-c558 BCE)

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