Da mesma lista do anterior. 

[APH]>In a triangle are given:> a, A and the ratio |b-c| / h_a = m/n> > (where 
h_a is the altitude from A)> Prove that it has an Euclidean construction.> 
(Ref.: Parartema, Nov. 1939, p.393)[Luis]:> Again, I have no idea. > May I have 
a hint ? > Thanks. Dear Luis,Whenever we have an angle [so sin(of_that_angle) = 
sin(of_the_sum_of_the_other_two)] a good idea is to express the sin or cosof 
the difference of the other angles by the data of theproblem.If the equation we 
get is of <= 2 degree it is possibleto have an euclidean construction.But how 
to make that construction geometrically is another story....
Alguém saberia construir o triângulo dados a, A and the ratio |b-c| / h_a = m/n 
Ou expressar sin(B-C) em função destes dados ? 
Abs, Luis 
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