Bagaimana kalau GDP/ kapita, kita di urutan ke berapa?

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 4:01 AM, Meizal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> wah ini lebih bagus lagi data pringkat berdasar kan gdp,...dan wah ranking
> kita gak jelek2 amet berarti ya...hehehe
> btw thnx lho pak pram...bwt link sumber gdp nya :)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "pram" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 4:34 AM
> Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Indonesia's rupiah approached a seven-year low
> after the government reported the slowest economic growth in six quarters.
> Bonds declined.
> Ukurannya GDP pak. Lihat list di bawah dari
> Country  GDP (millions of USD)
> — World 54,584,918
> — European Union 16,905,620
> 1 United States 13,807,550
> 2 Japan 4,381,576
> 3 Germany 3,320,913
> 4 China (PRC) 3,280,224
> 5 United Kingdom 2,804,437
> 6 France 2,593,779
> 7 Italy 2,104,666
> 8 Spain 1,439,983
> 9 Canada 1,436,086
> 10 Brazil 1,313,590
> 11 Russia 1,289,535
> 12 India 1,100,695
> 13 Mexico 1,022,816
> 14 South Korea 969,871
> 15 Australia 908,990
> 16 Netherlands 777,241
> 17 Turkey 659,276
> 18 Sweden 454,839
> 19 Belgium 453,283
> 20 Indonesia 432,944
> 21 Switzerland 427,074
> 22 Poland 422,090
> 23 Norway 389,457
> 24 Republic of China (Taiwan) 383,347
> 25 Saudi Arabia 381,938
> 26 Austria 371,219
> 27 Greece 313,806
> 28 Denmark 312,046
> 29 Iran 285,304
> 30 South Africa 283,071
> 31 Ireland 261,247
> 32 Argentina 260,122
> 33 Finland 246,350
> 34 Thailand 245,351
> 35 Venezuela 227,753
> 36 Portugal 223,447
> — Hong Kong 207,171
> 37 Colombia 202,630
> 38 United Arab Emirates 190,744
> 39 Malaysia 186,718
> 40 Czech Republic 174,999
> 41 Nigeria 166,985
> 42 Romania 165,983
> 43 Israel 164,103
> 44 Chile 163,914
> 45 Singapore 161,349
> 46 Philippines 144,062
> 47 Pakistan 143,766
> 48 Ukraine 141,644
> 49 Hungary 138,356
> 50 Algeria 134,275
> 51 New Zealand 128,711
> 52 Egypt 127,966
> 53 Kuwait 111,514
> 54 Peru 107,399
> 55 Kazakhstan 104,850
> 56 Morocco 75,116
> 57 Slovakia 74,988
> 58 Bangladesh 73,689
> 59 Qatar 73,256
> 60 Vietnam 70,943
> 61 Libya 69,929
> 62 Angola 61,334
> 63 Croatia 51,263
> 64 Luxembourg 49,531
> 65 Sudan 46,228
> 66 Slovenia 46,084
> 67 Ecuador 45,789
> 68 Belarus 44,773
> 69 Dominican Republic 40,988
> 70 Oman 40,391
> 71 Serbia 39,854
> 72 Bulgaria 39,609
> 73 Syria 38,970
> 74 Lithuania 38,886
> 75 Tunisia 35,010
> 76 Guatemala 33,694
> 77 Sri Lanka 32,347
> 78 Azerbaijan 31,240
> 79 Latvia 27,165
> 80 Kenya 27,026
> 81 Costa Rica 26,232
> 82 Turkmenistan 26,201
> 83 Lebanon 24,640
> 84 Uruguay 23,256
> 85 Uzbekistan 22,307
> 86 Yemen 21,818
> 87 Cyprus 21,303
> 88 Estonia 20,900
> 89 Trinidad and Tobago 20,878
> 90 Cameroon 20,686
> 91 El Salvador 20,373
> 92 Iceland 20,228
> 93 Panama 19,740
> 94 Côte d'Ivoire 19,824
> 95 Ethiopia 19,431
> 96 Bahrain 17,398
> 97 Tanzania 16,691
> 98 Jordan 15,833
> 99 Bosnia and Herzegovina 15,165
> 100 Ghana 15,160
> 101 Myanmar 13,480
> 102 Bolivia 13,292
> 103 Equatorial Guinea 12,574
> 104 Botswana 12,382
> 105 Honduras 12,279
> 106 Brunei 12,275
> 107 Paraguay 11,954
> 108 Uganda 11,785
> 109 Gabon 11,584
> 110 Zambia 11,411
> 111 Jamaica 11,266
> 112 Senegal 11,183
> 113 Albania 10,768
> 114 Democratic Republic of the Congo 10,423
> 115 Nepal 10,328
> 116 Georgia 10,227
> 117 Afghanistan 9,596
> 118 Armenia 9,229
> 119 Cambodia 8,690
> 120 Mozambique 8,069
> 121 Madagascar 7,711
> 122 Republic of Macedonia 7,685
> 123 Republic of the Congo 7,657
> 124 Malta 7,471
> 125 Namibia 7,446
> 126 Chad 6,965
> 127 Mali 6,940
> 128 Mauritius 6,928
> 129 Burkina Faso 6,751
> 130 The Bahamas 6,571
> 131 Haiti 6,031
> 132 Papua New Guinea 6,001
> 133 Nicaragua 5,724
> 134 Benin 5,566
> 135 Zimbabwe 4,723
> 136 Moldova 4,395
> 137 Niger 4,174
> 138 Guinea 4,157
> 139 Laos 4,028
> 140 Mongolia 3,894
> 141 Kyrgyzstan 3,748
> 142 Tajikistan 3,712
> 143 Malawi 3,561
> 144 Barbados 3,409
> 145 Rwanda 3,339
> 146 Fiji 3,324
> 147 Swaziland 2,890
> 148 Mauritania 2,819
> 149 Togo 2,497
> 150 Suriname 2,415
> 151 Central African Republic 1,714
> 152 Sierra Leone 1,665
> 153 Lesotho 1,598
> 154 Cape Verde 1,445
> 155 Eritrea 1,316
> 156 Belize 1,277
> 157 Bhutan 1,197
> 158 Antigua and Barbuda 1,088
> 159 Guyana 1,074
> 160 Maldives 1,058
> 161 Burundi 974
> 162 Saint Lucia 960
> 163 Djibouti 850
> 164 Liberia 735
> 165 Seychelles 712
> 166 The Gambia 644
> 167 Grenada 605
> 168 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 556
> 169 Saint Kitts and Nevis 527
> 170 Vanuatu 494
> 171 Samoa 476
> 172 Comoros 466
> 173 East Timor 459
> 174 Solomon Islands 377
> 175 Guinea-Bissau 356
> 176 Dominica 336
> 177 Tonga 246
> 178 São Tomé and Príncipe 145
> 179 Kiribati 67
> On 11/18/08, meizal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> hehehe
>> jumlah penduduk nya yang segambreng pak ( populasi nya ) :D,mungkin gak
>> dimiliki negara tetangga yang seregional sama kita,peduduk yang besar kan
>> korelasi nya sama konsumen yang besar dan target pasar yang besar,target
>> pasar yang besar biasa nya sejalan dengan income yang besar bagi
>> industri...income dari industri yang besar biasanya berkorelasi dengan gdp
>> yang besar ...gdp yang besar dan tumbuh ters berarti bagus...( ini baru
>> dari
>> 1 sisi aja sih ini kita liat nya ) ..hehehe
>> sayang nya cuman 1 konsumen nya masih tergantung dengan produk2
>> impor,slogan2 selama ini sih banyak yang bilang pakelah produk dalam
>> sial nya itu produsan bahan baku nya impor semua
>> lagi...hehehe...klo nilai tukar nya gak stabil trs...inflasi nya nanti
>> bisa
>> jadi bergeser dari karna naik nya harga komodity jadi tinggi nya biaya
>> modal
>> akibat overhead yang impor tadi...inflasi tinggi--->daya beli
>> turun--->income/earning emiten di revisi lagi--->gdp turun ( alias
>> pertumbuhan ekonomi nya yang jeblok..
>> hehehe saya udah mule ngelantur nih,
>> maklum otak nya baru nge-restart dan mo kembali di stanby kan pak hihihihi
>> moga2 bisa stabil cepet ya pak Rp nya,dan pemerintah bisa cepet
>> bereaksinya
>> :-)
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: abdulrahim abdulrahim
>> To:
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 3:22 AM
>> Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Indonesia's rupiah approached a seven-year
>> low
>> after the government reported the slowest economic growth in six quarters.
>> Bonds declined.
>> Nanya dunk
>> Kenapa si Indonesia suka disebut sebagai SouthEast Largest Economy?
>> Apakah karena kekayaan alamnya atau komoditinya ? Bukannya ekonomi
>> Singapura, Malaysia dan Thailand lebih besar daripada ekonomi
>> Indonesia?
>> On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 9:18 PM, meizal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Indonesia's GDP Expands at Slowest Pace in 6 Quarters (Update2)
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > By Aloysius Unditu and Arijit Ghosh
>> >
>> > Nov. 17 (Bloomberg) -- Indonesia's economy grew at the slowest pace in
>> > six
>> > quarters as declining commodity prices reduced the value of exports and
>> > agricultural output slowed.
>> >
>> > Southeast Asia's largest economy expanded 6.1 percent in the third
>> > quarter
>> > from a year earlier, after growing 6.4 percent in the preceding three
>> > months, the Central Statistics Bureau said in Jakarta today. That's more
>> > than the median 5.9 percent forecast of 22 economists in a Bloomberg
>> > News
>> > survey.
>> >
>> > Exporters in Indonesia, the world's biggest producer of palm oil and the
>> > second-largest maker of rubber, are reeling from a slump in commodity
>> prices
>> > amid recessions in the U.S. and Europe. Japan fell into its first
>> recession
>> > since 2001, according to a Cabinet Office report today in Tokyo, after
>> > the
>> > world's second-largest economy unexpectedly shrank in the third quarter.
>> >
>> > ``Going forward it's going to be a tough year in 2009,'' said Destry
>> > Damayanti, an economist at PT Mandiri Sekuritas in Jakarta. ``We will be
>> > affected as exports and imports are expected to slow significantly.''
>> >
>> > The rupiah fell 2.2 percent to 11,825 against the dollar at 5 p.m. in
>> > Jakarta.
>> >
>> > The government last month cut next year's target for Indonesia's
>> > overseas-sales growth to below 11.9 percent. Frozen credit markets are
>> > making it difficult for companies to obtain the letters of credit needed
>> to
>> > secure payment for their shipments.
>> >
>> > `Financial Turmoil'
>> >
>> > ``A few months ago I had five out of six containers already on their way
>> to
>> > the port returned because the client suddenly called and said he
>> > couldn't
>> > secure the payment,'' said Umar Chotob, owner of CV Java Marindra Jaya,
>> > which exports wooden furniture. ``The impact of the financial turmoil is
>> > remarkable. It's overwhelming.''
>> >
>> > Exports growth slowed to 14.3 percent in the quarter from a year
>> > earlier.
>> > Farm output grew 2.4 percent in the three months ended September, the
>> > slowest pace in six quarters. Construction increased 7.5 percent, the
>> least
>> > since the quarter ended December 2005.
>> >
>> > Rising prices of coal, palm oil, coffee and rubber earlier this year
>> > increased the income of farmers and miners. That helped boost sales of
>> > motorcycles to a record 612,032 in August, after Indonesians purchased
>> > an
>> > unprecedented 60,830 cars in July.
>> >
>> > Since then, commodity prices have tumbled. Power station coal prices at
>> > Australia's Newcastle port, a benchmark for Asia, fell 6.2 percent in
>> > the
>> > week to Nov. 14 amid declines in global energy prices.
>> >
>> > ``All export prices are down and you can't compensate that with extra
>> volume
>> > because demand is not there,'' said Tony D. Costa, the president of PT
>> Bank
>> > Rabobank International Indonesia, a unit of the world's biggest
>> agricultural
>> > lender. Consumer spending is slowing and ``motorcycle sales will be much
>> > lower. That means the economy will slow.''
>> >
>> > Global Slump
>> >
>> > Indonesia's economic growth may ease to as low as 5 percent next year as
>> the
>> > world tilts toward a recession, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati
>> said
>> > on Nov. 9.
>> >
>> > ``It will be very, very challenging for us to maintain growth under the
>> > current circumstances,'' Sri Mulyani said. ``Just like other developing
>> > countries, we have to be prepared for a longer period of weakening in
>> > the
>> > economy.''
>> >
>> > Government spending rose 16.9 percent in the third quarter, the fastest
>> pace
>> > since the three months ended June 2006, while consumer demand grew 5.3
>> > percent.
>> >
>> > ``Private consumption may still be able to sustain Indonesia's growth
>> > trajectory amidst a deteriorating external trade position,'' said Enrico
>> > Tanuwidjaja, an economist in Singapore at Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp.
>> >
>> > The statistics agency forecasts 2008 economic growth to be a ``minimum''
>> > 6
>> > percent and less than 6 percent next year.
>> >
>> > To contact the reporter on this story: Arijit Ghosh in Jakarta at
>> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Aloysius Unditu in Jakarta at
>> >
>> > Last Updated: November 17, 2008 05:30 EST
>> >
>> > Indonesia's Rupiah Approaches Seven-Year Low; Bonds Decline
>> >
>> > By Lilian Karunungan
>> >
>> > ________________________________
>> >
>> > Nov. 17 (Bloomberg) -- Indonesia's rupiah approached a seven-year low
>> after
>> > the government reported the slowest economic growth in six quarters.
>> > Bonds
>> > declined.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > The currency was Asia's worst performer today versus the dollar, sliding
>> in
>> > tandem with regional shares, as reports confirming recessions in Hong
>> > Kong
>> > and Japan prompted investors to seek safer bets than emerging-market
>> assets.
>> > Southeast Asia's largest economy expanded 6.1 percent in the third
>> > quarter
>> > from a year earlier, beating the 5.9 percent growth predicted by
>> economists
>> > in a Bloomberg survey.
>> >
>> > ``Even though the figure came in better than expected, it doesn't have
>> much
>> > impact on the rupiah itself,'' said Gundy Cahyadi, an economist at
>> > IDEAglobal in Singapore. ``Global growth is giving skepticism to the
>> market.
>> > Risk appetite is not going to change much.''
>> >
>> > The rupiah slumped 1.5 percent to 11,750 per dollar as of 4:29 p.m. in
>> > Jakarta, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The currency touched
>> > 11,988 on Nov. 13, the lowest level since April 2001.
>> >
>> > The MSCI Asia-Pacific Index of shares fell 0.5 percent, extending last
>> > week's 4.7 percent slide. Overseas investors sold more Indonesian shares
>> > than they bought on all but three of this month's trading days,
>> > according
>> to
>> > stock exchange data.
>> >
>> > Ten-year government bonds dropped for a fourth day on concern a
>> > weakening
>> > rupiah is keeping overseas investors away from the securities.
>> >
>> > ``The negative sentiment is coming from the rupiah,'' said Handy
>> > Yunianto,
>> a
>> > Jakarta-based bond analyst at Mandiri Sekuritas, part of Indonesia's
>> largest
>> > lender. ``When the rupiah is volatile, the risk increases for foreign
>> > investors.''
>> >
>> > The yield on the 9 percent note due September 2018 rose 18 basis points,
>> or
>> > 0.18 percentage point, to 16.1 percent, according to closing prices at
>> > the
>> > Inter Dealer Market Association. The price fell 0.6317, or 6,317 rupiah
>> per
>> > 1 million rupiah face amount, to 65.5100. A basis point is 0.01
>> > percentage
>> > point.
>> >
>> > To contact the reporter on this story: Lilian Karunungan in Jakarta at
>> >
>> > Last Updated: November 17, 2008 04:40 EST


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