Maybe EL will take counter measures ?? A3K

[] On Behalf Of Ratu Sima
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 4:24 PM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] UNCOVERING THE MYSTERIES

Before anyone else says, Embah let me humbly uncover some of market
mysteries below:

The fact that DJI & GSPC have crossed their lowest `November' bottom, the
`Bear' is now taking control of the global market.

Next what Aimee?
Parabolic drop will continue its journey. It will create new ever lower lows.

How deep Aimee?
DJI will test 6000, GSPC 500 in middle to long term.

How come?
Too complicated to tell, investors are awaiting the `new crafted consensus
of global financial engineering.

But why?
The current `stimulus packages' cannot yet return `the trust' from
investors. Too much disparity scattered.

And until when?
Only God knows. But things won't change better near soon.

All indices across this `Planet Earth'.


JKSE Bottom?
Only God knows. Our calculation is 700 – 900.

Dollar depreciation will pick up in middle – long term.

Strengthening Euro, Yen, & Yuan.

Still volatile.

Commodities, energy, mining?
Follow oil's trend.

Time to short. It still can reach higher high at 1.200, though.

Real Estate & properties?
Can be hedging against forthcoming inflation, especially commercial but
does not guarantee different pricing among countries.

Message for investors?
Please fully arm yourselves with every technique & knowledge both FA & TA.
Trust no one, including me.

Message for traders?
Stock volatility & liquidity is the gift you can take advantage of. Please
set precise entry & exit points while perusing fundamental terrains.

Forgive me if it may create inconvenience in you. Please promise me to
take good care of yourselves and families. Love your capital and utmostly
preserve your profit.

Ratu Sima (Aimee)
The United Kingdom of Kalingga, Java

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