dear el,                          el, kayaknya siy warga ob punya bnbr psti 
lebih dr 5 lot. knp ga dinaiikin aja jd 10 lt, ntar 5 lot buat mbah sisanya 
buat nambah biaya kursus. cm utk biaya kursus saat ini cm bayar 50 persennya 
aja, slebihnya dibayar klo el dah nepatin janjinya bnbr 400. paling klo g 
nyampe ntar diudak2 pak JT... hahahaaha...  just usul lho spy lbh kentara 

Elaine Sui wrote: 
>       Dear JT, JH, TT, Billy and all trainers.. listen to me. Please, if you 
> wish, tell your trainees to donate for OB. Only IDR200k worth 5 lots of BNBR 
> until Dec 09. Consider that for your course advertisement fee in OB. 
>  I know OB is a free community BUT you did use it for commercial purpose. 
> Don't tell me you can't do that. OB help you, you help OB. It's called 
> mutualism, win-win solution, so is it a deal ..? 
> To anyone who attend this course, if THEY don't tell you to donate, please 
> report to me. 
>  Elaine 

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