=> We wait for the magical moment - sometime in the future - when everything will be as we want it to be.
=> Live your daily life in a way that you never lose yourself.
=> When you are carried away with your worries, fears, craving, and desire, you run away from yourself and you lose yourself.
=> Life is available only in the present moment.
=> We cannot enjoy life if we spend a lot of time worrying about what happend yesterday and what will happen tomorrow. We worry about tommorow because we are afraid. If we are afraid all the time, we cannot appreciate that we are alive and can be happy now.
=> As long as fear is still in us, our happiness cannot be perfect.
=> Happiness is not an individual matter. If one of you is not happy, it will be impossible for the person to be happy.
=> When you touch the seed of understanding, mindfulness, and loving-kindness in you, you make these qualities grow stronger for both your own happiness and the happiness of other people and all living beings around you.
=> When we hate someone, and are angry at him/her, it is because we do not understand him or the circumstances he comes from. By practicing deep looking, we realize that if we grew up like him, in his set of circumstances and in his environment, we would be just like him. That kind of understanding REMOVES our anger, and suddenly that person is no longer our enemy. Then we can love him/her. As long as he/she remains an enemy, LOVE is impossible.
=> When we understand the situation of the person, when we understand the nature of suffering, anger will vanish, because it is transformed into COMPASSION.
=> Nothing can heal anger except compassion.
=> If we allow compassion to spring from heart, the fire of anger will die right away.
=> When we are angry, and we suffer, please go back and inspect very deeply the content, the nature of our perception. If we are capable of removing wrong perception, PEACE and Happiness will be restored in us, and we will be able to love the other person again.
=> Punishing the other person is self punishment. That is true in every circumctance.
=> Every time we feel lost, alienated, or cut off from life, or from the world, every time we feel despair, anger, or instability, practice GOING HOME. Mindful breathing is the vehicle that we use to go back to our true home.  

From: fifi young <fifiyoun...@gmail.com>
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2009 3:18:21 PM
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: Bebas mau milih Mega, JK atau >>SBY ... LANJUTKAN ................!!!

Don't waste your time
n energy for NOTHING...

2009/6/28 t_bumi <t_b...@yahoo. co.id>

Sip : tbumi

Janganlah ngamuk bila kalah di pesta demokrasi nantinya.

Pilihlah yang terbaik sesuai dengan hati nurani pemilih, bila salah
pilih berarti penderitaan

selama 5 tahun menunggu didepan mata. Janganlah tergiur dengan janji
janji, belajarlah dengan teliti semua

latar belakang capres / cawapres selama mereka jadi pejabat.

Investor saham saja juga tak pernah ngamuk didepan gedung bursa Jakarta
pd saat index berguguran.

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