Hehehe.. awalnya udah serius2 bacanya, kirain si Bozz dach insyaf, ternyata 
masih tetep.. :)

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "boyz" <m457...@...> wrote:
> pesen dari BOZZ ... katanya gini:
> ===================================================
> Money isn't everything ...
> it can buy a bed - but not sleep
> it can buy a clock - but not time
> it can buy you a book - but not knowledge
> it can buy you a position - but not respect
> it can buy you medicine - but not health
> it can buy you blood - but not life
> it can buy you sex - but not love
> So you see, Money isn't everything, and it often causes pain and
> suffering.
> i tell you this because i am your friend,
> and as you friend i want to take away your pain and suffering...
> so give me all your money and i will suffer for you.
> rgds,
> =================================================
> gitu katanya...
> salam,

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