Thanx for the tips mr.ian .. Nice too see u too miss elaine.. I kinda like 
tough girl like u. We'll see. I'm boys katrin :)
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-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Mahendra <>
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 10:25:28 
To: <>
Subject: Re: [ob] New member!

Coba tips ini 

Masuk ke web, change membership anda ke daily digest
Setelah beberapa menit (atau jam terserah anda) ubah lagi ke individual email

Works for me.

From: boyz® <>
Sent: Tuesday, 13 October 2009 9:19:26
Subject: Re: [ob] New member!

another's fellow...
kayaknya masih belum bisa terima posting dari OB/milis deh...


On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 9:15 AM, <kokol...@yahoo.> wrote:

>Wakakakaak.. .don't worry kyce...many people will help u protect your money 
>from el..especially embah..don't be affraid..he. .he 
>Sent from my BlackBerry® powered by Bakrie Group

>From: "It's Elaine!" <elainesui83@> 
>Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 09:00:31 +0700
>To: <obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com>
>Subject: Re: [ob] New member!
>Hello kyce, I've been here for a while and also an expert, hope I can take all 
>of your money soon. Nice to meet you too. 
>On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 8:23 AM, <kyce...@yahoo.> wrote:
>>Hello all.. I'm new here and new in the market also, hope can learn much from 
>>you all. Nice too meet you all. 
>>Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

>>From: "Aria Bela Nusa" <ariab...@centrin.> 
>>Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 07:07:08 +0700
>>To: <obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com>
>>Subject: RE: [ob] Dow 10,000...
>>YUP – lihat bottom-line-nya ‘aja, yaitu earnings seasons dr fundamental 
>>perusahaan2 bgm nanti hasilnya – hiperinflasi di sini bisa ‘aja berarti USD 
>>masih akan melemah2 sptnya terhadap VALAS lainnya – dstnya… 

>>From:obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. 
>>com] On Behalf Of Franky chandra
>>Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 10:25 PM
>>To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
>>Subject: Re: [ob] Dow 10,000...
>>Maaf yah saya newbie ingin share juga, kalo menurut saya persoalan rate itu 
>>hanya sementara saja efeknya, tapi secara keseluruhan pasar modal itu tetap 
>>fokus pada teknikal dan fundamental perusahaan, so kalau saya lihat when the 
>>time is right,slowly but sure they will increase the rate, and the fed 
>>usually know how to mix it with market behaviour and they know how to control 
>>it, they can mix it with good news, job news, or incomes news, so the market 
>>still steady, they not simply increase the rate like that, a lot of factors 
>>in that case. Thanx
>>Powered by My-BoLoT-berry® !!HAJAR KANAN TERUS NYOOOK!!

>>From: inpestorpembelajar@ 
>>Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 14:09:05 +0000
>>To: <obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com>
>>Subject: Re: [ob] Dow 10,000...
>>Kl hiperinflasi berarti inflasi tinggi -- biasanya suku bunga jg dikerek 
>>tinggi untuk mengimbangi laju inflasi-- kl suku bunga tinggi not good buat 
>>pasar modal.
>>Sent from my BlackBerry®
>>powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

>>From: "tjetjun" <asias...@medancity. com> 
>>Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 14:05:53 -0000
>>To: <obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com>
>>Subject: Re: [ob] Dow 10,000...
>>numpang nanya yah, karena setengah dari saham saya ada di US, kalau terjadi 
>>hiperinflasi, apa saham2 usa akan ambruk juga ? dari tulisan dibawah kayaknya 
>>saham akan naik ? karena kalau terjadi hiperinflasi, uang amrik akan runtuh, 
>>jadi kalau sahamnya runtuh juga, saya kena dua arah.
>>menurut teman saya, akan runtuh dua2nya.. jadi ada yang punya data bagaimana 
>>kondisi saham di amrik sewaktu terjadi inflasi besar2an tahun lalu ? 
>>biasanyakan rate meningkat dan saham turun, tapi saat kenaikan lalu yang luar 
>>biasa, rate fed dalam keadaan sangat tinggi dan saham tiap hari naik.
>>thks dan salam atas bantuannya
>>--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, inpestorpembelajar@ ... wrote:
>>> Kl gak salah di milis ini beberapa bulan lalu ada yg prediksi (kl gak salah 
>>> Stocksforliving) Dow akan ke 10000 sebelum mengalami koreksi besar kembali 
>>> ke lowestnya thn lalu. (Cmiiw)
>>> Just be prepare for the worst.
>>> Disclaimer on 
>>> Sent from my BlackBerry®
>>> powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: "Aria Bela Nusa" <ariab...@...>
>>> Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 19:58:44 
>>> To: <obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com>
>>> Subject: [ob] Dow 10,000...
>>> Dow 10,000
>>> By Colin Twiggs
>>> October 12, 3:00 a.m. ET (6:00 p.m. AET)
>>> These extracts from my trading diary are for educational purposes and should
>>> not be interpreted as investment or trading advice. Full terms and
>>> conditions can be found at Terms of
>>> <http://www.incredib lecharts. com/legal_ vizhon/terms_ of_use.htm> Use. 
>>> We remain in the high-risk period following the end of the third quarter.
>>> The Dow is also testing its key resistance level of 10000, while the FTSE
>>> 100 and ASX 200 are testing their key level of 5000. Upward breakout would
>>> confirm a bull market, while respect of these levels would warn of a
>>> secondary correction. 
>>> In the long term, we are not out of the woods. John Mauldin in Thoughts From
>>> <http://www.frontlin ethoughts. com/article. asp?id=mwo100909> The Frontline
>>> highlights recent research by Peter Bernholz (Professor of Economics at the
>>> University of Basel, Switzerland) into the causes of hyper-inflation. In his
>>> book Monetary <http://astore. incrediblecha- 20/detail/ 
>>> 1845427785>
>>> Regimes and Inflation: History, Economic and Political Relationships,
>>> Bernholz analyzes 12 of the largest episodes of hyper-inflation in the last
>>> 20 years. All were caused by financing huge public budget deficits through
>>> money creation and he concludes that the tipping point for hyper-inflation
>>> occurs when government deficits exceed 40% of expenditures. 
>>> US budget deficits of 40 per cent or more are projected for 2009 and 2010, a
>>> clear warning despite the current credit contraction. If hyper-inflation
>>> occurs, traders would want to be short on bonds and long on real assets such
>>> as stocks, precious metals and real estate. The recent surge in gold
>>> indicates that inflationary fears are growing. 
>>> Commodities 
>>> Baltic Dry Index reversal above 2500 indicates that demand for bulk
>>> commodity shipping is recovering - a positive sign for commodity prices and
>>> resources stocks. Retracement that respects the September low would signal
>>> the start of a primary advance. 
>>> Baltic Dry Index
>>> The RJ/CRB Commodities Index found support at 250 and is now rallying to
>>> test 270; breakout would confirm a primary advance to 300*. Reversal below
>>> 247 is now unlikely, but would warn of reversal to a primary down-trend. 
>>> CRB Commodities Index
>>> * Target calculation: 266 + ( 266 - 232 ) = 300
>>> USA 
>>> Dow Jones Industrial Average 
>>> The Dow found support at 9500 before rallying to test 10000. Reversal below
>>> 9500 would indicate a secondary correction, while breakout above 10000 would
>>> signal another primary advance. Twiggs Money Flow (21-day), however, still
>>> shows a bearish divergence and reversal below zero would indicate a
>>> correction. In the long term, breakout above 10000 would offer a target of
>>> 12000*; failure of support at 8000 is unlikely, but would signal reversal to
>>> a primary down-trend. 
>>> Dow Jones Industrial Average
>>> * Target calculation: 10000 + ( 10000 - 8000 ) = 12000

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