Wah, ini mah gak bener, dsintegrasi gak mungkin rasanya mengingat terbentuknya sovyet tuh beda banget kisahnya ama US.
Indonesia aja yang lebih2 kompleks sara-nya, gak terjadi dsintegrasi ...

Kalo US fall, sekarang juga udah fall kok, cuma teknologi luar angkasa & militernya masih yg terbaik. Emang ini gak ada harganya? Uang belum tentu jadi power tapi kalo power udah pasti bisa jadi uang....hehehe


It's Elaine! wrote:

/I didn't say this will happen, but it's possible.


I'm not going to scare anyone or anything, just read it and share your thinking. Historically speaking, empires like Roman and Arab, even Han of China and Majaphait, that once the biggest and greatest, did fell eventually. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

As like a wise man has said 'History repeats itself'..


On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 1:06 PM, It's Elaine! <elainesu...@gmail.com <mailto:elainesu...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    /Start learning mandarin now../

    On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 1:01 PM, anrusing data
    <anru.s...@gmail.com <mailto:anru.s...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        so, what is your best suggestion then?

        2009/10/18 It's Elaine! <elainesu...@gmail.com

            /that's unoffcial, but it's true that fort knox hasn't
            been audited for like 50 years so it could be true. And if
            turns to be true, then it's worse than we thought... :(((/

            On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 8:06 AM, Contrarian Investor
            <mailto:indonesianprivateinvest...@yahoo.co.id>> wrote:

                I beg to differ miss sui,,
                while I agree to which the Fed wouldn't too
                enthusiastic in rasing interest rates like the OZ CB did..

                I sincerely hard to accept the US is the largest above
                ground gold owners any longer now..  Those statistics
                the WGC produces, it's not entirely factual..

                I presume the BRIC boys especially India and China are
                now the largest above ground gold in the world.. The
                US probably don't own much gold no more now..

                Most of the Gold hedgefunders I met, shares the same
                thinking too lately...

                --- Pada *Jum, 16/10/09, It's Elaine!
                <mailto:elainesu...@gmail.com>>/* menulis:

                    Dari: It's Elaine! <elainesu...@gmail.com
                    Judul: Re: [ob] Re: NO INVESTING.
                    Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
                    Tanggal: Jumat, 16 Oktober, 2009, 10:14 PM

                    /Well I dunno, if fed raise int rate then usd may
                    rebound, but I dunno. Why would the Fed endorse
                    strong dollar policy if it only benefits China? If
                    I have huge debt, I want the underlying currency
                    to be as low as it can be (and my reserve as high
                    as possible aka gold)

                    US holds the most gold in the world.
                    *Weak dollar will make US exports goods and
                    services cheap, more competitive and attractive
                    than to its Asian counterparts'. Like I said, even
                    though prices (in USD) may skyrocket, it's
                    actually a deflation, because of its rapid losses
                    in value.

                    You may see, in 1-2 years, there will be a lot of
                    foreigners walking in your backyard, looking
                    (stealing) your job. Indonesia will import a lot
                    more of goods, from raw sugar to prostitutes,
                    because of its strong currency. Again, only IF the
                    fed doesn't raise int rate.

                    On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 4:05 PM, edwin lumanto
                    <edwin_lumanto@ yahoo.com
                    <http://mc/compose?to=edwin_luma...@yahoo.com>> wrote:

                        Freak !!!
                        USD/JPY bellow 80 is one big hell gate to chaos.
                        u re taunting right ?

                        *From:* It's Elaine! <elainesui83@ gmail.com
                        *To:* obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
                        *Sent:* Friday, October 16, 2009 9:20:32

                        *Subject:* Re: [ob] Re: NO INVESTING.

                        / Well I don't ask you to dump it, I was just
                        saying that USD is weakening, perhaps until
                        USDJPY 50. Would you hold USD? I'm definitely
                        not. Cheap dollar is a pain for china as they
                        have the biggest USD reserve in the world./

                        /But no worry lah, I know you only think about
                        BUMI.  hee hee/

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