besok hari pembantaian, banyak korban terkapar.... senin bisa belanja 
hahahaha......asal rupiah stabil sih no problem........

Dari: "" <>
Terkirim: Kam, 26 November, 2009 21:25:36
Judul: Re: [ob] Reuters: Share trading on London Stock Exchange frozen

 W%R dan MFI Optimize sdh OS Banget ya ? Bolinger Band Spread buat support ada 
di brp ?

From:  tasru...@yahoo. com 
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 14:20:12 +0000
To: Obrolan Bandar<obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com>
Subject: Re: [ob] Reuters: Share trading on London Stock Exchange frozen
 Paling IHSG satu kali sentakan lagi ke bawah, abis itu rebound. Rupiah masih 
stabil ini.
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

From:  "jsx_consultant" <jsx-consultant@ id> 
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 20:36:36 +0700
To: <obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com>
Subject: RE: [ob] Reuters: Share trading on London Stock Exchange frozen
Ada motifnya engga ?.
Kalo engga ada sih, paling juga Technical problem 

 From: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 
[mailto:obrolan- ban...@yahoogrou] On Behalf Of Dean 
Sent: Thursday, November 26, 2009 7:38 PM
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: [ob] Reuters: Share trading on 
London Stock Exchange frozen

Superbozz beraksi mbah...

http://finance. news/Share- trading-on- London-Stock- rb-907897382. 
Share trading on London Stock Exchange frozen

LONDON (Reuters) - Share trading on the London Stock Exchange (LSE:LSE.L - 
News) has been halted by technical difficulties, a spokesman 
for the bourse operator said on Thursday.
As a result, all order-driven securities were placed in an auction call 
period at 1038 GMT (5:38 a.m. EST), with all share prices currently to be 
considered indicative, he added.
The FTSE 100 (FTSE:^FTSE - News) index level frozen at 5,264.97, down 99.84 
points, or 
1.9 percent, and whilst the FTSE 250 value is changing, this is due to exchange 
rate movements rather than price changes, the LSE said in a service alert.
In addition, the distribution of all FTSE UK Series real-time index values is 
also affected, the bourse operator said.
The length of the auction call period has not yet been decided, however, a 
minimum of 30 minutes notice will be provided ahead of the scheduled uncrossing 
time, LSE added.
In September last year the LSE suffered its worst systems failure in eight 
years, causing the share market to suspend trading for about seven hours and 
infuriating its users.
(Reporting by Jon Hopkins, additional reporting by Harpreet Bhal)

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Dapatkan IE8 di sini!

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