Pyuuhh.... ada affandi OB..

From: Nindya G <>
Sent: Tue, February 9, 2010 5:58:20 PM
Subject: Re: [ob] Lukisan BUMI


Bang Ian,

Ini dia chart Bumi ke 3700. Ini chart dibuat tgl 4 January yl saat Bumi di 
Semoga kesampaian, ya bang?


Nin & Club-9
The Winning Trader Club

http://club9saham. blogspot. com/
facebook: Nindya Gracia

***Injustice flourishes not because there are too many bad guys out there 

but because there are too many good guys who do not want to fight for 

--- On Tue, 2/9/10, Nindya G <nind...@yahoo. com> wrote:

>From: Nindya G <nind...@yahoo. com>
>Subject: Re: [ob] Lukisan BUMI
>To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
>Date: Tuesday, February 9, 2010, 10:39 AM
>Dear Bang Ian,
>Setuju, deh bang. Nin pikir malah 3700. Ntar Nin cari arsip chart Nin yang 
>Bumi TP 3700, ya? Perlu Nin aduk2, nih.....
>Salam penuh harap,
>Nin & Club-9
>The Winning Trader Club
>http://club9saham. blogspot. com/
>facebook: Nindya Gracia
>***Injustice flourishes not because there are too many bad guys out there 
>but because there are too many good guys who do not want to fight for 
>--- On Tue, 2/9/10, Irwan Napitupulu <irwannapitupulu@> wrote:
>>From: Irwan Napitupulu <irwannapitupulu@>
>>Subject: [ob] Lukisan BUMI
>>To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
>>Date: Tuesday, February 9, 2010, 10:24 AM
>>Kalau dilukis seperti ini, bagus ngga dilihatnya? :)
>>Kalau dilihat timeframe nya, sepertinya pas Obama ada di SDN Menteng :)


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