Oh iya... nulis lagi ah..... lagi belajar ngetik nih....

Saya tidak merasa disentil sama mbah ! Malah saya akan merasa sangat senang 
serta berterima kasih sekali jika ada yang mau menyentil saya. Tapi Mohon 
diteliti dulu dengan seksama sebelum berani nyentil. Supaya diskusinya 
nyambung. Kalo enggak kan Capek, kita lagi ngomongin " Eh gimana caranya ya, 
mau belajar main saham?"  (maksudnya trading saham, bukan "main" seperti yang 
dimaksud dengan "Main" PS atau "Main" Bola Yuk, ha...ha...ha... jadi harus 
detail banget nih jelasinnya, CAPEEEK DEEHHHHH).

Terus dijawab sama temennya " oh itu sih gampang, Lewat Sudirman aja, naik bus 
way lebih bagus " Ha....ha....ha......ha...... 

Eh... Jadi Ngelantur. 

Anyway, Like I Said.


BUT tell me only after you have seen that Damned Beautiful Dinosaur with A 
Damned Beautiful Background !!

Udah Ah.....


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Eddy S. Purnomo 
  To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2008 6:19 PM
  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: I saw lots of monkeys today

  Ha..ha...ha..ha Pak Espur disentil ama mbah...
  Mungkin karena udah lama gak 'nyebur' jadinya belum 'tune' banget stelannya 
  mbah... ""

  This is kind of things that I was emphasized in my posting! Get my point guys?

  Let me quote my posting again here :

  This Millis used to be a Club-House full of helpful, sincere, caring and best 
professional available in this country, Now, it become "Slum Area-full of 
preman" demonstrating his/her skill of humiliating, abusing, underestimating 
others to just show his/her existence. The more damages, injuries and harm done 
to someone's feeling and personality whom is attacked/humiliated/abuse, the 
more the attacker feel that he/she is better & smarter than everyone else!

  See, it's happening again. It's really amazing isn't it ???

  Mungkin saya yang rada ngaco, jadi mohon maaf. Karena saya pengen SOK-SOK-an, 
bahasa Inggris saya Acak-acakan, Maka untuk mengerti dengan 
Semengerti-mengertinya isi dari tulisan saya tersebut haruslah orang yang 
kemampuan Bahasa Inggris sudah mencapai level yang sangat tinggi. Soalnya 
tulisannya acak-acakan enggak karuan....he..he...he.... jadi malu......

  Yang saya yakin mengerti 100% isi tulisan saya tersebut adalah : KANG OCOY, 

  Read again and again and again, till you see the real message that intended 
to be delivered. Just like when you are watching stupid 3D picture that sold at 
the mall, you see nothing but ugly, stupid painting. You look at it again and 
again, and focus, clear your mind, open minded, and wisdom, then you will say " 
ha...ha....ha..... I see it now, It's damned beautiful Dinosaur with a Damned 
beautiful background".

  Get my point?

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: ocean.blue 
    To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com 
    Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2008 4:55 PM
    Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: I saw lots of monkeys today

    Ha..ha...ha..ha Pak Espur disentil ama mbah...
    Mungkin karena udah lama gak 'nyebur' jadinya belum 'tune' banget stelannya 



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